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Evanescence Guild Webpage

Hello, and welcome to the Evanescence Guild Webpage! I will add more to this page, but right now I'm not that good at webpages!


1. Please no SPAM (SPAM = Short Pointless Annoying Messages) It is both annoying and a waste of space.
2. If you see something that isnt right on the guild, neomail me STRAIGHT AWAY. DO NOT delete it. Note their username, and send me an EXACT copy of the message, and we will ban and report them.
3. If you have Admin power - PLEASE do not play aroud with or change anything without my permission. The same if you want to suspend/delete/ban a member, you have to have my permission and a good reason to do it (I won't take 'She always uses capitals!!' or anything like that.)
4. If you know any good website with evanescence pix, or anything about evanescence, dont hesitate to neomail me.
