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God I am so sexy

Hi! My name is Lindsay Lannoch, but since my name is such a tongue twister, you may call me L squared. If I had any friends that’s what they’d call me. I guess I should tell you a little something about me! I love to hold hands and skip down the hallways with my lover Shanna! I also enjoy applying the many (over 10) coats of lip gloss (in other words..whale sperm) just to my bottom lip! As you can see from my picture, It’s quite large. If you can’t, don’t worry I added the photo where I outlined my lips in sexy red. ‘ow ‘ow! Shanna and also enjoy driving around in my jetta. I love my jetta. Some other things I like to do include: Following people, Staring at people, Talking to my self, and drawing really weird things. Among that, I often find myself just sitting at my desk, staring at nothing, with my bottom lip just hanging out. Did I tell you about that time where I almost got kidnapped my a crossdresser? I guess he didn't want me, no one wants me. To bad he didn't.

i am too hot for words babi

WOW!This is me! Like I said, I am so hot, I'm irrisistable. You kno you want me. Maybe we can go take a ride in my Jetta...

Am I turning you on yet?

This is the picture of me with my bottom lip'enhanced'! i outlined my lips in sexi red, it's hot. Sometimes, when I put on dark lip gloss--I really do look like that! Don't you think my lips are hott! I think they're my best feature! Shanna does too...

See, I'm not a loner!

This is Shanna, My best buddy and lover. See, I am not a loner! I have a friend! Will you be my friend too?