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Jessica Lewis

Poop just because i can write it!!!

This is my web-site for Jessica R. Lewis from Redding California. She calls me sometimes at 12 at night really high or drunk and that make me feel special. She is really short but i dont give her shit for it. oh and she thinks she looks like Avril. Sure she does. Sometimes I think that the band Hands Up! might be the best band ever but other times they just kind-of suck. Oh yeah and Jessica has shoes just in case anyone was wondering about that. And she also has her own trailer and that makes me angry, because I want my own trailer. well so far not good i'm starting to think i want to kill not really but i'm close to it. as for the story of why i'm begginng to feel like this well its long and i don't want to write it for if i do i might just get more angry. and just so everyone know her friends alyssa is so worried about her i think she might one of these days have a heart attack from worrying about what stupid shit jessica is up to these days.

My Favorite Web Sites

Stanley Donwood who does the art work for Radiohead this is his homepage
Radiohead's homepage
Placebo's homepage
angry kid