Well this is the journal page.

Aug. 28, 2003: Today was the first day of U.E. (University Experience). We were given our syllabus and told what would be expected of us for the semester. When I learned of the creative project I immediately thought Web Site! and so I christen this my new web site, but what she added on I didn’t like at all. What she added on was this journal, yeah sure it’s easy, but who wants to do a journal entry once a day? Not me that’s for sure. Well I guess this should be proficient so I’ll just stop here with the rambling.

Aug. 29, 2003: I don’t think I can handle this whole journal thing, it just doesn’t seem to be my style, but hey its just 1 semester so I guess I’ll put up with it. So anyways, I was supposed to catch a train to go home today, but of course the train was 8 hours late and the station neglected to tell me they were busing us all to Lakeland. So, of course, my mom was very pissed off and yelled a lot and had to come get me. Well, that’s all the exciting stuff for today.

Aug. 30, 2003: WOW! Going back home seems so weird once you spend a week on your own at college, but of course my family left the most important things at home for me to do, which of course was mowing the lawn. Aside from the fact that I had my birthday celebration with my family today everything is pretty much boring here. Hopefully it’s not like this next time......

Aug.31, 2003: And yet again a boring day. I guess it was ok, because I played lots of Soul Calibur 2, which is in my opinion the best fighting game on the market. And I also played some Basketball with a friend of mine who is still in high school. But other than that I did almost nothing, ain’t life grand?

Sept. 1, 2003: YAY! Today I get to go back to the dorm and college life! I never noticed before now, but it seems that once you get out of high school if you didn’t like school during your senior year you will like it in college. Today my mom got angered at me and my little sister because we “bicker” at each other. For those out there who read this that don’t know what bickering is, it’s a fancy way of saying arguing. But anyways, we were “bickering” and my mom was in a bad mood until we got in the car and she started to get sad again. We went and got my friend who also goes to this fine university and headed back to college, which by the time we got there I am pretty sure my mom was nearly in tears again. But hey I understand the emotional thing. That’s the adventure for today folks so go on about your business.

Sept. 2, 2003: Well today was pretty easy, all I did was go to composition. One class for the whole day was a nice thing, but since I can’t seem to find anyone who will hire me part time during these hours I am stuck reading American Studies and Anthropology stuff. In fact I better stop here so I can catch up on some of that reading.

Sept. 3, 2003: Well im glad I got caught up on that reading it made notes a lot easier to understand in both classes today. If you have no idea of what I am speaking just look at yesterdays entries. But today was also my first day of Engineering Calculus, now getting there was fun. I had to skate (inline) from BEH building all the way over to the Math/Physics building because I am an idiot who doesn’t watch the weather channel before deciding to inline to class. After that I went home and was typing this up when a friend from the odd side came over and asked if I wanted to go see Matrix Reloaded with her, so of course I stopped typing way before this point and grabbed my stuff and that movie never seems to stop amusing me.

Sept.4, 2003: Well today is the second day of U.E. and today we talked some politics and then went to look at the sun dial looking thing that shines the sun’s light on a certain area on a certain day at a certain time. It was pretty neat to see the 4.5billion year old stone in the center, but the class was the high point of the day. That’s it from me for today I got a headache.

Sept. 5, 2003: Well it’s Friday and I have absolutely nothing to do so I guess I am gonna cut this entry short and go see what other people are up to. And since STILL! Don’t have the internet I cant even post this!

Sept. 6, 2003: Well since I didn’t do anything last night, I guess I’ll watch TV tonight. And when I say nothing I mean all I did was read, read, and read some more of stuff that I really don’t want to read at all. I think I am about a chapter ahead of each class so I think im gonna watch a lot of tv tonight. Im gonna stop here cause this is even boring me.

Sept. 7, 2003: Since I still don’t have the internet I am going down to the server room and am going to ask that they send someone to my room. Well I talked to the guy and apparently they are going to stop by my room before 5 o’clock so now im stuck here for 3 hours, so I am gonna open a note pad document and am gonna work on HTML for the website just in case it does work today so I will have a little style to the site so it wont look to horrible.

Sept. 8, 2003: Well this morning (1A.M.) I went running with my friend and I led. Apparently he didn’t feel like doing a 5k (3.1miles) and I thought we were, so I led us from holly up towards fowler, then towards Moffit and the other hospital, and back to holly. When we got back to holly he was very upset, but I guess he’ll thank me later cause we were extremely tired. And since it’s 3a.m. it’s today so I’m gonna go to sleep and not do anymore for this journal.

Sept. 9, 2003: Well this was a normal day. I went to class and we were put into groups to do an assignment. I went home and did my part of the assignment and took my part to the person who was going to type it up. I also did some Calc. homework. Boring day.

Sept. 10, 2003: Today was the busy day. I have 3 classes. In American Studies we watched an episode of an old sci-fi tv show. In anthropology we watched a movie on Darwin and evolution. And in calc. we started limits. Then i went to Aikido and then to home.

Sept 11, 2003: Today is the anniversary of 9-11. I went to english where we did more group work. Then i went to U.E. and we talked about where we were when the 2 jumbo jets hit the Twin Towers. Of course today is an emotional day but other than that normal.

Sept 12, 2003: And yet again i go home. This time around i had more fun. I watched my mom's softball team practice. I also watched football and did some homework. All in all an ok friday.

Sept. 13, 2003: Pretty much the same as yesterday, only i mowed the lawn. Yeah not a fun thing to do, but simple...or so i thought. I tried to start the mower and of course it wont start until i tell my mom, who thinks im trying to get out of mowing the lawn, comes outside. Then the belt that turns the blades on the lawn mover pops off and almost cuts itself in half. A fun normal saturday.

Sept. 14, 2003: A normal sunday to get back to the dorm. With the exception that i left about 2/3 of my clothes at home in my closet. Then i watched the bucks game and that i dont even want to get into on the internet.

Sept. 15, 2003: Another monday in college. Go to class, then go home and eat. Go to class, then go home and eat. Go to class, then go home and eat. You get the idea. Then i went to Aikido.

Sept. 16, 2003: Easy tuesday. I went to class then went home and started working on homework. All in all uneventful.

Sept. 17, 2003: American studies was easy, anthropology was easy, and yes even calc. was easy today. I really slow, easy, and mellow day. Aikido was fun. Then i went running and talked to someone from calc.

Sept. 18, 2003: Well i just finished a 2 hour library excursion where i did some homework. Later im gonna go to U.E.. Its noon right now so im gonna go eat. Well in U.E. we had presentations, we kinda got off topic but this is generally what we talked about: GHosts (experiences?), Race, and Title 9. Applicable? All of them is a yes.

Sept. 19, 2003: Well today i stayed home and worked on this and some projects. I get to research carlos santana. How cool is that? well im gonna go read his lifestory and then write about it. Bye.

Sept. 20, 2003: Yep, today i get to go running. Me and a friend have decided that today we would do speed training. I think we did 6, 440meter runs, 3min for each run. Which doesnt sound hard but doing a good 1/4 mile and then having a minute and a half rest is pretty hard. Hopefully we get faster though.

Sept. 21, 2003: Again its a sunday and i almost have the santana report in the bag. Not sure how i should end though so i think ill sit around and read some more about him. He seems like a mellow and all around cool guy, that kids and parents alike love. But thats just what i've been reading.

Sept. 22, 2003 Yay, its monday. Well santana report done and i am studying for all my tests on wednesday 24. Yeah it sucks, 3 tests in 1 day within 6hours. Well i gotta study bye.

Sept. 23, 2003 Ok so its tuesday and composition sucks. I have to get up at 8:00 to go to a 9:30 class. Who wants to be up at 8? Well our stuff is due thursday so i gotta go study and do the group stuff. BYE

Sept. 24, 2003 Hi mom! Yes i told my mom hi, but only because i said i would. Its wednesday and i had 3 tests. My first was american studies and 12 essays, wow that was fun. Next was anthropology and a dry 50question test. and Last the Egnineering calc. with 5 calc. questions that took an hour to finish.

Sept. 25, 2003 Hi mom! Just incase you didnt see yesterdays. So today i had a library tour. It was fun. Next came U.E. and we did our presentations, they consisted of: Date rape @ Kansas State University, Indian(as in the country) Meritime Archeology, Teen Drivers, Wright Architecture, Assault on College Campus, Transgendral Rabbi???, Computers from Birth, Psychology in your job and home, College sports, Animation, Suicide rate on college campuses, and why study psychology?.I cant think of anything to write so ill go on for a few more words. Yep im done.

Sept. 26, 2003 Well today is friday. I slept really late. My mom is gonna probably cringe when she reads this, but i slept till 2p.m. today. It was very nice. Thats all for today. I know its not as long as yesterdays. But hey no one is perfect.

Sept. 27, 2003 Well today is Saturday. This is the fun day. I read all of my required reading and then some for american studies. I also got to hang out and play uno. Well that is pretty much it.

Sept. 28, 2003 Today is sunday. I think im in the habit of stating the obvious in the beginning of the journal. Oh well. Today my friends got back and i talked to some other people. I went and ate dinner at fontana with some of my roommates and my friends. Pretty standard day.

Sept. 29, 2003 Well hello, hello, hello friendly readers! Yeah its monday and today is the update. I got to all my classes and learned all my grades, save 1. I didnt learn american studies grade....but the others were fine. Should have done better and will do better. Sorry for the non-weekly updates sis. Hopefully you see this one.

Sept. 30, 2003 Well today is Tuesday! Only 1 class, and its english. Well all went well in english. I guess thats all for today. Bye.

Oct. 1, 2003 Today is wednesday and i cant wait to go out of town next week. I get to go to new jersey for a wedding, yeah that'll be fun. But thats all i have to say today, bye.

Oct. 2, 2003 Today is Thursday and its kinda warm out. I really am bored today. Its never been this bad. I keep thinking about the wedding and how much fun its gonna be. Well im gonna go get studying, bye.

Oct. 3, 2003 Today is friday and i go home. So this is gonna be short. Have a nice weekend, and goodbye.

Oct. 4, 2003 Today is Saturday and im at home. And since im at home i am reading some of the series i left here. Its a very good book by Terry GOodkind.

Oct. 5, 2003 Ok its sunday and i guess mowing the lawn today is mandatory. SO ill do it. I mean i wont have fun with it, ill just be all business like and mow the lawn. I doubt that will get through to anyone, but hey thats ok.

Oct. 6, 2003 Today we leave for jersey. I think it will be fun. I am going to be staying with Nick the third. Bye

Oct. 7, 2003 Jersey is great. No humidity and no heat. Better weather than what i was expecting. The groom was happy and cheery and so were we.

Oct. 8, 2003 Today we went and ate out alot and got fitted for our tuxes. I met The grooms friend john. Nice guy who seems to like wandering about.

Oct. 9, 2003 Rehersal dinner and stuff today. It was fun. We got to meet the Brides family and they seem cool.

Oct. 10, 2003 Today is the day before the wedding and the groom looks calm. He calls the bride and she is alot more jittery than him. Sister goes to the brides for a hair appointed that is early the next day so she sleeps over.

Oct. 11, 2003 Ok, day of the wedding, we checked into the hotel. The shuttle service sucked so we took a bus to the garden where they were to be wed. It was a beautiful ceremoney where a mutual friend sang "Ave (<--??) Maria".

Oct. 12, 2003 Today is the day new york. FUN FUN FUN. I think my days are wrong but not sure. But anyways, it was a good experience and i learned alot.

Oct. 13, 2003 We got home today and i am finishing my journal for the trip. Wow its hard to remember right now. I think ill stop and just sleep.

Oct. 14, 2003 I forgot to mention some chapters and what they do for me from the UE book. And since i just read most of the book, ill do my favorite chapters: University Traditions and Time Management and Goal setting. University Traditions has helped me get a feel for the gen. ed. requirements and how many credits are needed for each degree. Time management and Goal setting has helped me set a goal of atleast a 3.0 gpa for the first semester and has helped me stay on time for all of my classes.

Oct. 15, 2003 Today is Wednesday and i am happy to say i am doing ok. Today in American Studies i used some things from the chapter titled, Effective writing. Since for the most part i am tired, i'll stop here.

Oct. 16, 2003 Today in UE our teacher gave us a pop quiz/test. For all those not present she has given an assignment due next week. Today i used the chapter labeled diversity, by reading the little note to reader by Elizabeth Daly. That is all for today folks, please tune in later.

Oct. 17, 2003 Today i used the chapter labeled successful students to get myself to stay in shape. I hope to join the USF mens soccer team, but thats only hoping. Have a nice day.

Oct. 18, 2003 Today i used the chapter on managing money to ration myself some funding.I am a very low spender and hope to stay that way. Have a nice day.

Oct. 19, 2003 Today is sunday. I guess ill go and find a book to read. I started reading Frankenstein Unbound. It seems like a reallt good book. Ill keep ya updated.

Oct. 20, 2003 Well todays monday and its funday, so today i did the normal class routine. Since im tired i think i better go to sleep. Have a nice night.

Oct. 21, 2003 Today is tuesday and a beautiful day it is. Today i had 1 class and we talked about our project for saturday when we help the needie.

Oct. 22, 2003 Today is tuesday and i hope everything is well with all. "The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education."SOrry thought id throw in some einstein. Well today is normal so im gonna go be normal and eat.

Oct. 23, 2003 UE today. It was a fun class today, we had a guest speaker from the Study Abroad community. He ahd some cool offers on new areas and programs. My favorite so far is australia, but the only thing that would be remotely close to my Major would be Philosophy. Ok bye.

Oct. 24, 2003 Friday finally. YAY! Nothing to do but wright this. I talked to a friend and we are going to homecoming together. YAY! Well im done, going back to sleep.

Oct. 25, 2003 Saturday. Lots of talking with my friend. Study time for calc. Study time for Anthropology. Study time for american studies. Time to call mom. Crap, oasis isnt working. Gotta go somewhere monday.

Oct. 26, 2003 Called parents today. They werent happy. Sorry mom, didnt think you would be that angry. Hopefully you'll see that I am trying to be me.

Oct. 27, 2003 Today is monday and i have lots of class. I guess i'll call the parents later. Im reading i new book called Dune. It seems to be very very interesting. But first i must do calc. bye bye.

Oct. 28, 2003 Well its tuesday and i had comp. today. Its kinda early and i need to do some calc. work. Keep look at the site. Hope you enjoy all of my "drama".

Oct. 29, 2003 Today is wednesday, my busy day. Not much to talk about besides the fact that halloween is coming along with homecoming. Hope you have fun trick or treating little sis'. Ill talk to you later. BYE BYE!

Oct. 30, 2003 Its thursday and another day at U.E. Today we had a guest speaker and the projector was used. She seemed like a nice lady and it was fun. Have a nice day. BYE BYE!

Oct. 31, 2003 Today is Friday and i get to have fun cause little kids from Schrinners are trick or treating. I get to hand out candy to them. Since its almost time i better go. BYEBYE!

Nov. 1, 2003 Today is saturday and everything is cool. Or atleast i wish it was cool, this has got to be the hottest day after halloween i have ever felt. I mean 90 degrees in november is just not right. Well hoping for cooler weather this is your newscaster/rambler signingoff. BYEBYE!

Nov. 2, 2003 AGAIN! Again it is hot. I hate to complain about weather but this is ridiculous. Another 90 degree day, no clouds, and no wind. That is the description for May and June, NOT NOVEMBER! Well im done complaining. BYEBYE!

Nov. 3, 2003 Ok, ill stop with the weather thing. Today is monday and lots of stuff to accomplish. Hope everyone had a nice Halloween and keep reading. BYEBYE!

Nov. 4, 2003 Today is Tuesday and i just found out i get to go home and work at the movie theatre. I think movies are great. Everyone should go to the movie theatre. I hope i get to see the matrix. BYEBYE!

Nov. 5, 2003 Ok back to the weather. I cant believe how hot it is in November. I hope it gets cold or i wont have other weather to complain about. That may not make sense, but wait till it gets real cold and i start to complain AGAIN!

Nov. 6, 2003 Today is thursday and im ready to go home. I have my laundry all ready in the duffle bags. I hope i get up at the right time. Cya later. (Time stamp- 5:45 pm)

Nov. 7, 2003 Well i missed the train again, but i got one of my friends from down the hall to give me a ride home. My parents are not happy, so im gonna talk about something completely off topic. I like pie. Pie is good. In fontana they sometimes serve us pie. ANd it is good. BYEBYE!

Nov. 8, 2003 Its saturday and im home. I get to work the late shift at work with my friend James. Havent talked to him since last night when we worked the late shift. I also get to see my friend Castle who likes to write stories. Im gonna put his website as a link on my page. BYEBYE!

Nov. 9, 2003 I get to go back to fontana today. YAY! Well time to go ttyl (talk to ya later!)

Nov. 10, 2003 Ok its monday lots of class and notes. BUSY BUSY BUSY! Tomorrow no school, thats awsome. Well im gonna read some of my frankenstein unbound book.

Nov. 11, 2003 Tuesday and no school. I slept till like noon today. Im going to meet with my group about our project that is due thursday. We went and did some volunteer work and now we get to make a presentation about it to the class.

Nov. 12, 2003 More class today. Lots and Lots of notes. Well im gonna look over some calc. and read some anthropology stuff. Have fun and be safe.

Nov. 13, 2003 Today i had Composition and we did our presentation. We talked about what we did and then handed out word puzzles. It was fun. I hope we got a good grade...Ill keep ya posted.

Nov. 14, 2003 Today is Friday and i am at home. I have work at like 6pm and i think we are goin to be busy. I guess i can take it for 2 days. I really want to see some new movies. My sister has a soccer game tomorrow. Well thats it for now.

Nov. 15, 2003 Saturday and my sis' scored like 2 goals and her team won like 4-0. It was cool. My mom got me a snow cone, it was good. I guess i sound childish but bear with me because this is kind of stream of consciousness. thats is for now, BYE BYE! P.S. BAKA!

Nov. 16, 2003 Sunday and i go back home. I hope to see a movie this week but if i dont oh well. Well we are leaving so this is it for today. BYEBYE

Nov. 17, 2003 Monday and its still kinda warm. Not too bad, but really sunny and warm. Cant believe its November, feels kinda like May. ANyways, lots of class, studying, and stuff to do. THis is the update.

Nov. 18, 2003 Tuesday, finished the presentations today. Kinda boring...Have the clast exam soon. Should be just like Florida Writes, which means that it will be a boring prompt and i will finish within 30min. leaving me with nothing to do for 30min. YAY! Oh, well....

Nov. 19, 2003 Wednesday, basically the same as monday. Guess this is the shortest of all. Wow. Never thought id get this little typed. Wait not its not, cause i am rambling, TEE HEE!

Nov. 20, 2003 Today is thursday and i am supposed to be moved out of fontana and to delta. Guess this should be interesting. They told me i can move out on sunday, so im going home.

Nov. 21, 2003 Today is friday and im at home and going to work. Should be fun. I get to see all my old friends. Wow, lots of nothing to do at work. Oh, well.

Nov. 22, 2003 Today is saturday and i worked all day. We had little rushes and such but nothing major. I found it funny that i saw people from Senior year going to the movies. Well time to stop typing and sleep, big day tomorrow.

Nov. 23, 2003 Sunday and i moved. Met my rommie and got stuff situated. Cant seem to figure out the phone. Sorry mom ill call youb when i get it working or figure it out.

Nov. 24, 2003 Monday, yeah, very tired today, finally got everything put away. Still havent figured out whats the matter with the phone. Im going to go to Andros and find out....Well that makes sense. Ill call you tomorrow mom and tell you all about it.

Nov. 25, 2003 Tuesday, fake clast today. Yeah just as i thought. Only i did it quicker than i thought, i finished in 20 min. and had nothing to do for 40min, it sucked. Oh well. Call ya in a few mom.

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