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Tait said to me last night, "Why am I not on your site anywhere?!!", so I said, "Okay Tait. I'll put your name in big letters on the site." Here it is Tait. That is as big as it can go.

Every New Day - Five Iron Frenzy
This site is going to have a bunch crazy things me and my friends do. You probably won't see much of me as I'm the one taking most of my pictures. No one will probably ever see this site anyway.

And this is Jacob. I'm more awesome then Russell. He's a metrosexual I swear.

That's not true. I am awesomer.

    • Tooth and Nail Show
    March 14, 2004:
    I haven't updated in a long time. Sorry about that, but I haven't really done anything lately. I've been kinda lonely, but I'm okay. Anyway, last week (or two weeks ago, I think) I went to the Tooth and Nail Show at the Masquerade in ATL. I wanted Chance and Rusty to go with me, but they couldn't. so I ended up going with my sister Melissa, my brother Jesse, and Kellie. It was really awesome. It was Melissa's last time home ever, so it was a fun way to end it all. We didn't get to see Anberlin, but it was still awesome. I go tthe Anberlin CD, the Emery CD, and the Watashi Wa CD. I got Emery and Watashi Wa signed, but i had to give Watashi Wa to Kellie because she helped pay for it. It took me forever to get the pictures up, but they are now. We were in downtown all day, so some of the pictures are from the mall, and little five points and stuff. By the way, Emery puts on an awesome show. Chance, Micah, Chuck, and I are going to see them next month when they come again. God Speed.
    And then there were none...

  • Four Day Weekend

This weekend has been really crazy. First I wanted Jacob and Levi to comeover on Friday night. Jacob couldn;t come over because he had a soccer game. Since Jacob couldn't come, I called Chuck to see if he could come. Chuck came over, but then we found out Levi couldn't come. So, me and and Chuck try making a music video. It was fun even though we look retarded. The next morning, Chuck made a basketball video and we started an action movie. We found out Jacob's soccer game was cancelled and then Chuck went home. Later that night, Levi came over and we continued our awesome movie. I called Jacob and he came over and we played with fireworks and stuff. It was for our movie of course. The next morning we woke up, recorded a scene, and left for church. That night at Fuel, we went to Ippolito's and discussed what we were going to do for our next two days off. We decided that we would go to Tait's on Monday night. The next night, we went to Tait's house and stuff. Late at night Chuck, Jacob, and Tait started playing Risk. They wouldn't let me play so I started working on my duct tape sandals. They're awesome. When we woke up the next morning, I called my dad but he wouldn't come pick me up. Tait just took Chuck and I to Jacob's house. After we were there for a couple of hours, my parents still wouldn't pick me up, so Jacob's mom took Chuck and I to Chuck's house. I've been here forever and my parents still won't pick me up. I WANT TO GO HOME!

  • Jacob Comes Over

  • Jacob came over Friday. I was supposed to go to Jillians with Mikey, but I went to the basketball game after school and when I got back to my house, he had already left. When he wouldn't answer his phone, I was excited because that meant Jacob could come over. I called him and did some bargaining, and got him to finally get his butt over here. We played Empire Earth and listened to all kinds of music and and looked at pictures at Student Life and talked to people and annoyed my little brother and yelled at my burner and other crazy things. The next morning I took a shower and when I got out, he was gone. That was lame but it was fun. I don't have any pictures because we were on the computer the whole time but it was a lot of fun.

    • Jacob and I Go Over to Chuck's
    February 6th, 2004:
    I was really excited last week because I was going to Chuck's house for the first time. I have known him for a couple years, but never been to his house. The first time I met him, we were on the second big scramble and he didn't bring his cd player and he wanted to use mine the whole time, hahaha, moving on. I got there and we waited for Jacob while Chuck played some really cool game that he hadn't played in a long time. Jaocb got here while we were getting something to eat. We went upstairs and Chuck showed the game he was talking about. Jacob went inot Alex's room and played Chuck online. I sat down and started to play Zelda. I couldn't find the green skull things, so I had to call Josh. He helped me out and then I beat the forest place. Soon his parents were leaving to go to a basketball game and Johnathan, his little brother, didn't want to go so, he had to stay with us. Chuck got mad so his parents tried to bribe his little brother with a ring pop, but it didn't work. I went down in the basement to play with Chucka nd Jacob on the surround sound computer. It was awesome. After awhile, his parents got back home, and his dad started playing with us online. Chuck came downstairs and started playing Sim City 4. He made a massive volcano to kill all the cute little animals. When it go late, we went upstairs to get some food. When it was ready, I went upstairs to eat a lot before I brought it to them...MWAHAHAHA. We all got enough. I'm not that mean. I started playing Zelda on the big screen and around 3, we went to sleep. I woke up around 6 and I felt really bad. I didn't and don't know why, but I was okay. We all woke up at 9 and started watching Cath Me If You Can. It was awesome. We did the same stuff we had done the night before: play Zelda, Iron Storm(the online game), play sim City, etc. When we got hungry we tried to get his little brother to go get us chips. It was pretty funny. I had a good time at Chuck's, but I know we both like coming to my house better. There's just so much more room. :D Anytime, Chuck.

    • Jacob and Chuck Come Over
    January 30th, 2004:
    Jacob and Chuck came over last night. Jacob almost didn't get to come because his parents wouldn't take him and Chuck was leaving immediately, but Chuck was able to pick Jacob up. When they got here, I saw them pull up. They helped themselves in and started looking for me. I peeked around the corner as they were going upstairs. When they came back down, I jumped out and screamed as loud as I could. They both screamed. Then I started cracking up, and when we all recovered about 10 minutes later, we headed upstairs.

    • I Live with Jacob for a Weekend:
    January 24th, 2004
    This weekend was GREAT. I wasn't really excited, but it turned out to be so much fun. First off when I got to Jacob's house, everyone left Josh and I home alone (MISTAKE!). That was fun, hahaha. First we started to play with the amp and cd player. Soon, we found out that if you hold the wire to the headphones in one hand, and the jack of the amp in the other hand, the music comes out of the amp. It was awesome. Eventually we started to get hungry. We were about to make the greatest discovery ever. Josh wanted a grilled cheese sandwich, but we found out that we only had raisonbread, so Josh says, "Hmmm, what goes good with raisonbread?" All of a sudden he pulls marshmellows out of the pantry. "Hahahaha, okay, suit yourself, Josh." He got out the pan and grilled the sandwich. He made another one and made me try it. I took a bite and suddenly, mt life was changed. If you do not try it, your life will be pointless. Moving on...
    Jacob got home from his basketball game and we did some stuff. I don't really remember what. After it got late, we decided to make a movie. It was the best movie I have ever seen, except for the fact that we aren't done. Anyway, it is about Delux 247, Phosphorus, Bushhead, and Mullet Boy. If you never see it, then I feel sorry for you. Anyway, we did that, went to sleep and then woke up. Woohoo! We went to church and then came to Jacob's grandparents house for lunch. I played Sim City on SNES. It was AWESOME! We went back home, went to fuel, went to Moe's, came back home again, watched weird shows about brothers cheating on each other(I told you it was weird.), and then I went home. Exciting!

    I'll put the pictures up later.
    • Aaron Moves In from Denver
    January 9th, 2004:
    I got lucky last night. I had to talk my parents into taking me to Aaron and Kimberly's house. Aaron and Kimberly are our new high school youth leaders that are coming since Hayne left. :'('''' The chances were slim, but I made it. I couldn't miss this historic event. As I pulled into Aaron's new driveway, I see Jacob and Derek running into his backyard. Aaron's house is right next to Derek's old house so Derek runs over to his old house and peeks into the window. Jacob starts yelling at him and tells him that the people that live in Derek's old house just pulled into their driveway and Derek makes a run for it. It was a funny sight...hahaha. After some more people get to Aaron's house, we wander around for a little and then we get ready to eat. I'm not hungry so I wander for a little while longer. Aaron's new house is exactly like Derek's except Aaron's basement isn't unfinished. All the kids go down into the basement and start running around with Aaron's three-year-old (I think) son, Bohdi. Eventually the truck get's here, even though it's a couple hours late. Everyone starts unloading the truck. There are matresses, boxes, tables, dressers, etc., and toys. We had trouble getting the refridgerator through the door, but eventually, we got it. We had to take the door off though...
    As we finished, people started leaving. I was spending the night with Chris, so we just planned on walking home since he lives in the same neighborhood. After everyone left, they started to put the kids to bed, so we said our goodbyes and left.

    • New Year's Eve at Jacob's House
    December 31st, 2003:
    Last night, I went to Jacob's house for New Year's Eve. First we sat around and met strange people that we didn't know. The food wasn't really ready yet so we were trying to sneak some food and Mrs. Harkey kept yelling at us. We went downstairs and played Mario Kart with the hyper little kids. Soon, I got bored so I went out in his driveway to play basketball. Jacob whipped his camera out and took some pictures because I hate sports and they all said that I never play them. Eventually, we went up to eat. After we ate, we went back downstairs and did other stuff. Right before 12, we went upstairs to watch that peach or apple or whatever it is fall to the ground. Then, we went outside to stand in the middle of the street. Then gangstas starting driving by, so we decided to go back in, and soon, we went back downstairs. We could yell without any of the adults getting mad at us, so I started screaming at people. It was fun until the little kids started attacking us. They do that a lot. Around 3:45 AM, the game of Risk (that they had been playing for seven hours) finally ended and the guys came out of Jacob's room. Soon, we all went to bed and started talking about Goldeneye and other cool stuff.

    • Jacob and Chuck Come Over and We Sleep Outside
    December 29th, 2003:
    Chuck is playing Need for Speed right now. He says, "Oh snap shadee." That means he turned around backwards. Now he's catching up. He's doing really good. He says, "Keep living the Chuck Jones life!"

    Jacob is watching Chuck playing Need for Speed. He likes the Mazda Chuck's making. Jacob say, "Keep on trucking! Ain't no thang' skate mafia fo' life" This is Jacob...all Jacob has to say is "Ain't nothin but a gangsta party."

    This is Russell. I'm the one making all of this. Well, most of it. It's really late right now, about 1:46. We're making this awesome web site on mmy new laptop I got for Christmas. I found a way to get internet upstairs, even though it's dial up, so we're making this rock on site. Tomorrow I can go downstairs to load all my pictures on here. I would make this on Geocities, but it won't work up in her. Angelfire is retarded.
    Oh yeah, and if you haven't noticed we're all wannabe black brothas.

    *EDIT* Actually Angelfire is pretty cool. I get to make this from html.

    Tonight Jacob and Chuck came over. We played with my new laptop and played Need for Speed and yelled at each other and stuff. At about 4 AM, we all got our sleeping bags and head out into the backyard. I found my little spot on the grass and hopped in. Jacob ran up to the hammock and after a couple of jumps and falls, got cozy. Chuck just kind of stood there because he was scared. Finally, Chuck decided to get on the hammock and soon he got comfy too. Then I decided it looked more comfortable than the ground, so I hopped on. That didn't really worked. The wood snapped from where my brother had broken it, and duct taped it back together. After that, nobody could stay on it, so we all just slept on the ground. It was fun. Then we whipped out Chuck's new cell phone and decided to call Katie Tait's (I won't even go there) cell phone at 5 AM. Her mom answered and we soon found out that it was her home phone. Hahahaha.... Soon a rooster started crowing at my neighbor's house and wouldn't stop. Then at 5:45, my next door neighbor(not the on with the rooster) came outside for some reason and all the dogs started barking. Eventually, we all got quiet and fell asleep and then we woke up at 8:30 because it was really bright.
