Freddy and Jason...Whats next?

Over the past few months, we've had more than enough rumors flying around as to whats going to be done next with the gruesome twosome. After the huge box office success of "Freddy vs Jason" in the summer of 03, a sequel to or continuation of the events which transpired was bound to happen. However, 2 years later,nothing has been set in stone as of yet. Numerous things have been speculated. A new "Friday the 13th" movie with famed director Quentin Tarantino at the helm,a "Nightmare on Elm Street" prequel, a straight sequel featuring the two genre icons, and of course the tons of other genre icon names which have been connected with Freddy and Jason through wild rumors.

Names such as Pinhead from the "Hellraiser" films, Michael Myers (Halloween), Leatherface (TCM) and most recently by Robert Englund the Candyman. Then theres the tons of other ideas you can be sure fanboys and girls alike are emailing to New Line every day at a feverish pace. So why with all of these ideas and possibilities floating around, has nothing concrete transpired yet? There are plenty of reasons why nothing concrete has yet to announced or decided upon.

Number 1, New Line is smart...well...ok..."Jason X" wasn't the best of their ideas, but lets not forget that this is one of the few studios which produces genre flicks on an almost regular basis, and has yet to sell out ala Dimension, by cutting their films to pieces to appease the MPAA and soccer moms who are afraid their kids might see a horror film and decide to go out and massacre a few friends. Lets not forget along with owning the rights to Freddy and Jason they have also been behind both "Final Destination" movies. They waited and waited and waited, biding their time until the right script came along for "Freddy vs Jason". Despite the protests, and impatience of horror fans all over the U.S. who were getting fed up with the 10 year wait. Now I can't speak for everyone else, but it was well worth the wait for me, and I felt the film delivered as much as a film like "FvsJ" could deliver. Thus New Line isn't gonna rush into a bad situation, and create a halfassed sequel just to cash in on the box office success of the first movie.

Dimension rushed "Halloween:Resurrection" into production to cash in on the success of "H20" and we all saw what happened there. New Line knows that the first film was a success, and there is definitely a market for 1 or maybe even 2 more sequels. But to rush things along just to appease a few fans and to make a quick buck, would ruin any future possibilities for both characters, whether it be in a versus film or solo project. Especially after the box office disaster that was "Jason X", they really want to take their time with this decision. "Freddy vs Jason" mostly made up for "Jason X" with genre fans.

One thing is for sure though. New Line is working hard to get something done with one or both of the characters. It's just a question of the right script, and the right idea. Jason and Freddy played really well off of each other, and adding the wrong icon if any, to make it a 3 man battle royale,could screw up the chemistry. Sure most of us are wondering what the heck is taking them so long to come up with something, anything to follow up one of the most successful horror films of the 2000 era, but look at things this way. Would you rather be complaining now-and then when something finally does materialize, it's completed, it hits theaters, and it turns out to be awesome,you're happy? Or would you rather be complaining now, and then have New Line cave in to fan pressure, release a total joke into theaters, and you walk out saying *What the hell was that?*. The way I see it, option A is looking really good right about now. New Line will get something done eventually.

and They will actually do SOMETHING,despite rumors that they are just gonna drop the idea of a "FvsJ 2" and move on to different things. Thats not the train of thought when it comes to a film that was an actual success, a huge one. We just have to chill out so to speak, and keep sending New Line ideas, good ones. Rather than angry emails or complaints. Who knows, some lucky persons idea could spawn the next "FvsJ" sequel, or any future Nightmare on Elm Street or Friday the 13th films. and If New Line chooses a fans idea, or comes up with an idea of their own for a direction for the 2 horror icons to go in next, I think it's safe to say, chances are, it'll be a good one.

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