Mr HorRoR's 2 cents on the "Halloween" remake

It started as just a wild rumor but here were are actually having heard about a remake of the 1978 classic "Halloween".Why? How? Well apparently the sneaky SOBs at Miramax and Disney have been keeping this under their hats for awhile now,but with the two recently parting ways,the dirty laundry has been aired.The Weinsteins recieved the rights to alot of projects and potential franchises.Along with those goods,they recieved the rights to a remake of "Halloween".The New York Times broke the news a week ago and it still resinates with many horror fans.Most if not all of which aren't happy about it.It seems every year the countless remakes announced are ones horror fans don't want.

Why not try remaking a film like "Neon Maniacs", or "Alligator"? Rather than "The Fog",or "Last House on the Left"? Once again the key principle here is money,greenback,whatever you wanna call it.Lets face it, a remake of "Halloween" as much as it would piss off alot of people would also make ALOT of money at the theaters compared to a remake of a small cult film like "Neon Maniacs".Then again that theory can be easily dispelled since "Near Dark" and "The Hitcher" two movies with a small cult following are both being remade as well.So this is Hollywood doing what it usually does...anything for the all mighty dollar.The small sliver of good news is the Weinsteins have the rights to a remake but have yet to exorcise those rights,and lets hope they don't.

Instead lets hope they take the rights,douse them with gasoline,toss a match,and let em burn.That way we horror fans can breathe a sigh of relief.Besides,aren't you guys going to make enough profit when "Scream 4" comes out? Why be greedy by remaking "Halloween".Granted many horror fans don't want a fourth "Scream" movie but if they had to choose between that and a remake of "Halloween", I think they'd choose "Scream 4".If this remake does happen,it opens up a flood gate of bad news for all of us.With "Halloween" being remade,whats to stop them from remaking "A Nightmare on Elm Street","Sleepaway Camp","Friday The 13th"? Should this "Halloween" remake happen,the remakes of those 3 movies might not be too far behind my friends...and that is a sad...fucked up thing.

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