Mr HorRoR's 2 cents on the recently announced Alien vs Predator 2

About 2 weeks ago 20th Century FOX co chairman Tom Rothman announced that a sequel to "Alien vs Predator" was a go. While the sequel was rumored ever since the first one hit theaters last summer, the way it turned out and the way it was recieved by horror fans, would've made one think there'd be no way they'd even bother with producing a sequel. But the film did turn a profit regardless of the fact that it was very subpar for the two universes that it was bringing together under one title. and There were some who actually liked the film.

Personally I thought a pretty bad effort was turned in. Bringing together two entities like the predator and the always deadly aliens should be a huge on screen clash of the titans. But, it should've also been a story-driven film seeing as how both characters have some pretty heavy backstories respectively and new things can always be added. But under director Paul Anderson, we got "AvsP" with a hip,music videoish style. and While that sort of style may work for other films, it didn't work for this particular movie. The film failed to be the huge clash it was supposed to be and wasn't even close to being story driven.In fact, it seemed like more of a quick hour and a half cash in. The film did have a few bright spots though. The fights between pred. and alien were pretty well done,although there weren't many of them.However,the facehuggers got some very significant screentime, as well as Sanaa Lathan giving a pretty good performance with what she had to work with script wise. Now the question becomes, what needs to be done to keep the sequel from turning out like the first movie did. For starters, LOSE THE PG-13 RATING!Every movie in both series respectively was rated a solid "R", and still managed to balance out nice action with the story. I know if you're an exec at FOX you're thinking, how are the teens going to be able to slap down their cash for this film if we create an "R" rated movie that they can't get in to?

Once again,I stress the fact that if they want to see it badly enough,they'll find a way. Remember "Scary Movie" people? and The millions it made with it's extreme "R" borderline NC-17 rating. A film like this needs an "R" rating if it's going to be effective from an onscreen violence standpoint.Secondly, lose Paul Anderson. Granted I don't think hes the no talent hack most people make him out to be but hes not right for this particular series of movies.Bring in someone who will recreate the spirit of the original "Predator" and the first two "Alien" movies.Third toss in alot more battle scenes. If these two species have been enemies for decades, then they should show much more animosity towards each other than a few chance encounters. After all, the Predators were using the Aliens as pawns in their hunting games and the aliens slaughtered many predators during these trials. Due to that part of the story, the hatred between the two species is already there.It just needs to be brought to the forefront on screen. I do have faith that FOX will make up for the mistakes they made with the first movie for the most part in the sequel. However, if they start seeing dancing dollar signs once again, we could all be in for another hour and a half eye-roller in 06 or 07,depending on whenever the film starts on production and is released.

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