My 2 cents on Alien vs Predator
As I've said many times, going into this film, I was giving it the benefit of the doubt, and overall, I felt it was decent at best. It's always a shame when films that us as fans wait for over a long period of time, sell out, and thus become one big mess when they could've been really great. Granted, I don't think this movie was as much anticipated as "Freddy vs Jason" was, but it was much anticipated nonetheless. However, the difference between "FvsJ" and "AvsP", is that New Line didn't sell out for the kiddies and soccer moms. There were no cutaways, no holding back, we got to see everything, like the film should've been. However, FOX on the other hand, sold out to the kiddies and soccer moms, thus, ruining what could've been a hella gory battle between two of the coolest creatures in horror/SCI-FI movie history, the predators and the aliens. The battles looked cheesey because everyone had to work within the PG-13 rating. In previous "Aliens" and 'Predator" movies, a solid "R" rating helped to add a sense of realism when people were being bloodily ripped apart, sliced, burned with acid etc. In this movie, we got sort of a squeaky clean battle, rather than the bloody, gory, grimey realistic version most hoped for. For those who have seen the film, you already know what might come next. Lets hope FOX doesn't make the same mistake twice. While it wasn't a extra terrible film by any stretch of the imagination, it wasn't good either. Hopefully, the sequel is longer, and most importantly, "R" rated. It's not the blood and gore that matters most, but a sense of realism. and Blood and Gore like it or not, are a part of realism when making a horror or creature movie.
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