Channel saved at Fri Oct 03 01:54:06 2003
01:46 Dellmas: What reason did you have to kill me?
01:46 Dellmas: You came out of no where and killed me. Come up with a good one.
01:47 Dellmas: Having trouble thinking up one?
01:47 Dellmas: Just use Daniel's
01:47 Dellmas: It might work.
01:47 Zcavio: ..
01:47 Zcavio: I'm not even bothering talking to you..
01:48 Dellmas: Funny you did earlier something to do with a hamster spanking.
01:48 Zcavio: :)
01:48 Zcavio: Yeah i was lolling
01:48 Dellmas: I've took screenshots so no names will be forgotten.
01:49 Zcavio: Noone will be punished for killing someone with reason
01:49 Dellmas: What was your reason?
01:49 Zcavio: It doesn't matter.
01:49 Dellmas: No one has reason to kill me so many times
01:49 Zcavio: You know what you did.
01:49 Dellmas: I use to be level 19
01:49 Zcavio: No..not that many times.
01:49 Dellmas: Now I'm 7
01:49 Zcavio: Kill you. yes... Kill you to rook.. no
01:50 Dellmas: Well, why did you join in?
01:50 Zcavio: I didn't
01:50 Zcavio: I just killed you like 2 times
01:50 Dellmas: That's joining in.
01:51 Zcavio: And only put in the final hit
01:51 Zcavio: Do you want to play that char still?
01:51 Dellmas: I don't think I can.
01:52 Dellmas: The second I step out I get pked
01:52 Zcavio: ..10 words and you are probably never killed again
01:52 Dellmas: Do you really think it's worth playing now?
01:52 Zcavio: Depends.-
01:52 Zcavio: what did you lose?
01:53 Zcavio: Have to log now
01:53 Dellmas: Ok.

02:06 Dellmas: You all can quit being pkers now.
02:06 De luna: i got one
02:06 Evilhuntor: mmm
02:06 De luna: he is a thief
02:06 Danielokko: u kiss my dick
02:06 De luna: pk
02:06 Danielokko: KISS
02:06 Danielokko: MY
02:06 Danielokko: DICK
02:06 Rio el Legendario: HAHAHAAA

03:11 Your last visit in Tibia: 03. Oct 2003 08:49:15 CEST.
03:12 Rio el Legendario: dell
03:12 Rio el Legendario: may i hit u?
03:12 Dellmas: No you may not.
03:12 Rio el Legendario: hahah
03:12 Rio el Legendario: AKI

03:29 Your last visit in Tibia: 03. Oct 2003 09:28:39 CEST.
03:29 You lose 24 hitpoints due to an attack by Qtolian.
03:29 You lose 22 hitpoints due to an attack by Jenumeru.
03:29 You lose 23 hitpoints due to an attack by Qtolian.
03:29 Dellmas: Why are you people attacking me?
03:30 Jenumeru: rock
03:30 Dellmas: Why?
03:30 Qtolian: lol
03:30 Jenumeru: dellams rock
03:30 Qtolian: for fun