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I'm watching you...

Stupid Mortal. By coming to this website, you have sealed your fate with my gunblade to your head. So, if you wish your death to be quick and painless, I suggest you read to rest of this website. Unless you like pain... I am Hellana, demon with an attitude. By coming to this site, you have met your death with my gunblade, so read all of it, and enjoy your last few minutes of life... I am a half water, and half fire demon. It's a very cruel mix to the child really. You're vulnerable to both elements, and you can only use them a little each. I'm more fire than water though. I am a fighter. Though according to Rand, my fighting technique is below average, so I'll have to think up another. Dammit. I hate thinking. I've been around for a while now. Nothing else to do, but keep on pretending I'm a human (as if it works very well. My eyes change colors with my emotions. I need contacts.) and walking around this god forsaken world until something worth while comes along that I might pick up my gunblade, and start fighting again.... until then, I'll be bored sick, being a fighting intructor at my own academy. A long time ago, I was in the war between heaven and hell when somehting very strange happened. I enrolled into a camp of demons of course, and met Rand and Rachel. Rachel's your basic healer, goodie-goodie, vegetarian, but very useful in a bad sitation. RAND on the other hand, is a flirtatious pervert, has an attitude almost as bad as mine (keyword: almost), and points out my flaws to me almost constantly. Ravenna just popped into the camp one day, along with another half demon named Kirgen. (Godammit, I HATE Kirgen) anyway... Kirgen 'fell in love' with Ravenna, and Ravenna fell head over heels for him. Kirgen used Ravenna as a toy, and was finally killed. By who? No clue. An angel apparently, from the holy burns all over him. Ravenna went into fits, and ran over to the angel's camp in anger, and met... oh what was his name... shit I hate this... uh... oh! Gabriel! And well... the rest is history...

While on this strange and stupid planet humans call Earth, I've found some rather interesting things. Including this wonderful information highway... the... uh... internet. I've found many websites worth looking at, and I will be so kind as to show them to you as well... but remember, I'm still watching you...

Free comics (with voices) I find these rather amusing.

This is a good comic. Rather amusing how they picture demons really. Not at all accurate though...

Anyway... Through all this time, I've realized one thing. I love someone. And this was my reaction when I realize that:

Sometimes I even scare myself... *cringe*

This is how I show my affection to those I 'dissagree' with.




Notice they're all MEN.

I also made this. It's a character in a game I like. He looks remarkably a lot like me, except for the fact that he's male of course, and he's rather amusing.