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Very Scary, Hauntings, Haunted, Ghosts, Demonic Demons, Paranormal Wierd Happenings.

(Look for investigations coming soon from the people at:

I have placed your picture frame photo in my photo album on (Album name: joejones) NO ONE bothers to look at my images there unless I invite them to the site. Your picture frame IS haunted! If I had the funds, I'd buy it myself! Go to this address and look at your original photo, then click on the "NEXT" button to view the two following images. I have placed these images in the album so that YOU can view them easily, and so that you will know I am serious about ghost images I find in photographs. I would be very interested in seeing any and all photos of this morgue. If you'd care to send some or all of them to me, I will return anything I find to you at no cost. All I ask is that the images be sent as they cme out of the camera, with no alterations of any knd. It is my hobby right now, and I truely believe that your building has a huge amount of spiritual activity. I would love to visit this building one day. I look forward to hearing from you. Joe Jones (eBay ID: bikerjoe) Vista, CA - USA You Are Not Alone.

I just wanted to say that in your photo of the crematorium tanks, there is two orbs. Many times people claim this is dust particles when taken with a digital camera. Your orbs appear to be "spirit" because of the shape and the size of one of them. It is located in your first photo showing the full length of them. Orbs (round energy) are spirit. I looked at your auctions and have to say I do not like your basement. I don't get a good feeling off of the background in your photos. It's a shame you plan on remodeling and changing the place. Many times this will stir up the activity more and it causes problems. Even if you remodel the place, people in the area will still come around. It's a part of history and it won't change that no matter what you change. -

I can truly sympathize with you. I have lived with the paranormal my entire life and it's very disturbing. You can read more about what myself and our family has been through, I have a website where I document each event as it occurs, along with photos we've taken in our homes. I wish you all the best and hopefully someday these souls will find their way. Kimberly -

Okay the "orbs" you see are the spirits of people whom have pasted though the doors there.The basement gives those's feeling because thats where alot of personal belongings where kept for years. See some people died before their time ... or for whatever reason they could not complete their trip to the other side thats home to them. It would be wonderful if you could return some of the things you have found to their familys in the area ...which so much time has pasted would be a near impossible job to do. These spirits are just as much questioning your being there & whats going on. Your first basic thing to do is not fear them. Let them know you now own the place , that your taking the care of the building under you .Your not there to hurt them .... but its now time for them to finish their trip to the other side. Spirits can be funny in some ways ... when you see the orbs , just tell them " its time for you to past on , its okay your other family members are waiting for you to cross over to them." You can do the same with the shadows you are seeing .... Now as to the "creepy" feeling you get in the "cellar" ...for thats what they call it. Many years ago taking care of the body before a service was done in the basement (cellar) plus your basement was used for storage of personal belongings.those spirts are near their stuff , as to the feeling of being watched .. well they are watching you, but NOT to hurt you. I viewed the photo's of the basement , viewed a few other items you found and have on your auction listings ... non gave me a terrible sense of fear or trouble for you. Now as to the photo that was given as a gift.... that photo of Jesus was ment to stay in the building. It was a picture of Joy & Pride when it was first gotten & recieved for the building. The picture was not easily gotten .There was no real attempt for the family members life ment .... the spirit felt that picture should stay just where it was found ....for your family member has many of her own .... making her fall was their way of saying "thats mine" and she understood & asked you to take the photo back. Bare with me .. for some reason I get the impression that that picture should be hung in the entery way of the building ... or the next best thing you can do is walk around the buiding ... go with the feel as to where it should be hung for viewing to anyone.A spirit will guide you to their wish's .... don't be afraid to do this .. just have picture , hammer & nail in hand ..ask where the picture should be hung for all to see it .....this picture did hang where all coming in could see view & get inter relief from it .... seems to have hung not far from the front door . This old building has alot of history ....if the spirits could only tell you with out scaring you out of your wits. Now some spirits will stay ... these are the spirits of those whom lived , worked & loved that building not only as home but loved their job.You will hear them ... but they don't do this out of wanting to scare you.Also blacks where not the only ones to past though the doors ..... don't know how much you have really dived into the history of your building .... but you just might find it a bit interesting if you dug around in its back ground a bit more. If you have any more questions I'm here to be of any help .... I hope this will help you out ..... Please feel free to contact me angain via e-mail ... I also do use a voice chat room or feel feel to set a time for a call by phone .I live in Southern Iowa ....641-672-**** Many Blessings upon you & yours DreamVision(Trinity)

i too am from kokomo. I remember hearing stuff about that place as a child growing up.

Are you aware in the bottom part of the picture of the doll, there appears to be a man's face, wearing either goggles or extremely large glasses. It appears just below the doll's shoulder. -

Two fairly significant sized orbs appear on the left oil tank photo. -

Hi! I was looking at your pictures and I saw taht you had orbs in many of your photographs. I live in Illinois and I am close to Chicago and I was curious to know if by chance you would be kind enough to give me a tour of your home at your convieniece! I do apoligize that I am not bidding on your doll I might add, but I have enough haunted things in my life as it is! My name is Renee and I am sort of a ghost hunter you can say, I have been experiencing paranormal activity since I was born and I am very interested in finding new places and "talking" to ghosts. If this is a disturbance to you then I understand I and I thank you for taking the time to read my message! thanks! Renee

I am interested in more of the personal belongings you all are discovering. Please feel free to email me with pics and prices. I collect wierd things and this is right down my alley :) I don't get on ebay much and always wind up missing the last high bid! I'd love to just buy outright. -

Is this an oil painting? FYI--This is a painting of Notre Dame in Paris -

Dear Sir; The help you went looking for really did'nt answer any questions for you. Some have more talent in feeling , or seeing ... Don't know how many more people have said they could assist you in answers to personal belonggings you found and about the going on's in your haunted remodeling adventure there. I'm more then willing to give you answers at NO COST for the "your playing with fire " your not just need to know how to move everyone along on thier way.The shadows you are seeing ....well your seeing them , there not there to harm you...they just wondering why after all this time someone comes to the "cellar" as they call it.Many people whom pasted though there were found guilty in a unjust court system.As to people not wanting you speak of this place ...well even after many years old family bones can cause embrassment .... lord forbid anyone ever admit someone in thier family came from the "good old boy justice system". I can be reached at More then willing to be of REAL help Many Blessings upon you & your family. DreamVision

Hi, Have you checked your pictures out? There are ALOT of Orbs in the ones with the yellow paint on the walls. also some in the picture of those two metal tanks (the crematory?) you never mentioned them in the auction ad, just was wondering if you were aware that you had caught them on your pictures. Sincerely, Diana -

Thank you very much! I am quite happy to be able to use this stuff on my site and in my new book. Quite nice of you to offer. Talk to you soon, Andy -

I have an old mortician's directory from 1964. So I was reserching ebay on where to list it and I came across your page. That is one scary story. You wouldn't catch me near that place. Anyway when did they close the funeral home? My directory list a Jacobs Funeral Service George B. Jacobs Since 1904 on a 208 E. Mulberry St. Kokoma Ind. So it operated in the 1960 but how about the 1970's or 80's. Well good luck with all your creepy stuff. Matt -

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