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Haunted Tunnels

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Lakeview Caves and Tunnel
~ Located in the Town Of Thorold Ontario ~

There are two (2) Caves and (1) Tunnel located near the Lakeview Cemetery. The first cave is nick named "The SPOOKY CAVE" ( Known to be very Spooky inside ) and the other cave is nick named "The Bat Cave". ( Known for its Scary Bats )

The Tunnel is nick named "The Creepy Pump House Tunnel". Some people we have talked to have found two more creepy tunnels located near The Creepy Pump House, but we did not find the other tunnles that day.

Some people are so blind that they cant even find any tunnels or caves for that matter, so for those paranormal junkies out there we added a lakeview ghost map on this page to help people find some New haunted tunnels and caves.

NOTE: If you go at night, please park your car in a safe area. Never park your car in the Lakeview Cemetery after dusk, other wise your car mite get towed away.
It is better to be safe then sorry.

No Swimming and No Walking
Our "HT" team found this sign near the "The Creepy Pump House Tunnel". I guess the sign says No Swimming and No Walking in this area.
The Creepy Pump House
Here a picture of the outside of "The Creepy Pump House Tunnel". ((( PHT ))) It dont look very creepy in the day time, but at night it sure is creepy.
Now Its Just Junk
Here is a picture of what used to be a old Truck or Jeep. The only thing that is left of it is the bucket seats and dashboard. Now its just some junk. Its located near "The Creepy Pump House".
Warning Sign
Here is another sign our team found. It has alot of warnings on it. No Cars or Trucks, No Fishing, No Hunting, No Swimming and No Dumping.
Another picture of The Creepy Pump House Tunnel
Another picture of The Creepy Pump House Tunnel. ((( PHT )))
The Spooky Cave
Here is a picture of the enterance to the one of the caves. This cave is nick named The Spooky Cave because its very spooky inside. The cave is about 4 to 5 feet high and 3 to 4 feet wide so most people have to duck in order to walk inside the cave.
Old House at the Lakeview Cemetery
This is an old house that is located at the back end of the old Lakeview Cemetery.
The BGT Pump House
This is a picture of the other pump house loacted near the Blue Ghost Tunnel. There used to be a bridge that went across to the other side, but in 2003 they took it down becaues it was old and very unsafe to cross it. This also the area where The Bat Cave is located. Its nick named The Bat Cave for the many bats that live inside the cave.
The Inside Of Creepy Pump House Tunnel
This is a picture of the inside of the Creepy Pump House Tunnle. Some people think it looks like the Screaming Tunnel in Niagara, but the Creepy Pump House has a much smaller tunnel. Do you see the flying "ORB" on the top right corner? ~ Creepy ~

The Lakeview Ghostmap
|||The Lakeview Tunnel and Caves Ghost Map||| |||Located In The Town Of Thorold Ontario||| |||NOTE: Please DONT drive your car in the Lakeview Cemetery after dusk|||

~ More pictures of the caves and tunnel coming soon ~

Thank you for visiting the Haunted Tunnels website.


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