The tale of ryan i pitty you who sees no shame in passing on all the blame, he who shudders and knows no pain he who is cold hearted has no game, picks on others to gain in our hearts we know ur lame, for you who will never love like the black that kills the dove, not complex enough to comprehend the point of this poem to the end, for all us know the true ryan who cowards and hides not a man, he who is insecure he who shows hes immature, he who will never know the pride who takes for granite that dove that died, who lies to kin and crushed thy close the one whos fate has froze, the one who dwells apone the weak just to reach his own peak, i wrote this poem just for you to show how arrogant and greedy, the things you do!

The beauty of love By: Karen Krogh I find a flower aside a hill I fight but can’t hold back the will, To see if he truly loves me Petal by petal I pick away its beauty, This all feels new to me I’ve always known it as he and she Not you and me, With each loss of petal the flowers soul screamed As with each loss its life would be redeemed, He loves me, he loves me not Fluttering through the sky the petals fought, The winds that took flight Whisked them out of sight, Spring had arrived as I strolled down that lonely road The birds all chirped a cheerful ode, He loves me not, he loves me The last petal shall be the key, As to fate wants it to be you and me We’ll wait and see, Petal by petal the flower was stripped As to the last my heart was ripped, He loves me not. The stem deprived of its beauty My heart left in shards, The love of one towards another will come painful and hard

What of the World What of the world do you see? Pain, love, freedom, glee, For granite all this feeling you take When some appearances will come fake, take a little time to look at yourself your clean and filth, is your life perfect makes you think how can i fix that little kink, well you cant its called fate some will love some will hate, soon you will know that the world is not some foe, its not a fantasy world not all go's as planned but canges can be made with time at hand

THE DARK My heart is beating The ends aren’t meeting, My mind is racing Reality I am facing, Through the darkness I run Yet I don’t know whom from, I can’t seem to find myself again It all seems to close in, The darkness seems to pull itself upon me So Distracting It seems to reach in and rip at my soul I’m falling into this empty hole, The pain inside it won’t subside There's no where I can hide from the emptiness inside, The rips and thorns tear away at my heart And the life is drained out I wonder what life is about A race and it ends

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