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Welcome to Haley's Company site of the Paranormal

All of the photos on this site were taken by me and are real. I've added a gallery for you to check out and choose your order from, but you can not copy these pictures because it is against the copyright protection law. I can put any of my photos on any of my items that are for sale. The money I make is used for my expense getting the photos and checking out new places to get more photos.
As I get more photos I will put them up for you to see and order from. Sorry I do not have an E-Commerce account at this time, so all I can accept is money orders. Sorry for the inconvience.

If you know where there might be a haunted area, please e-mail me at hlyrob315@aol.com and I will try to investigate this mysteries place.

11/19/04Sorry that I have not put up any more photos but I still have not got any new photos as soon as I do I will post them and let you know I have added new photos.

2-9-05 I am having some pc trouble. I will be changeing things a little and getting some more photos up soon.

2-10-05 I have put 14 new photos up and will be putting more up. Feel free to email me will.

2-11-05 I have put up 6 more photos for you to see that is all of my photos for now but I will be putting more up as I get them.

7-17-07 Sorry that I have not updated and fixed the last photos on my site but I have been off line. Now I am back so I will get it fixed agin I am sorry for not being on to fix my site if any one emialed me I am sorry for not getting back but I did not get any email when I was on this new email works so I will get your email and I will get back to you.

7-18-07 It seem that for some reason the photos that I added that are not showing have been deleted. I do not know how this happened but I am trying to find them so I can get them back up. and as soon as I get some more photos I will put them up as well

Haley’s Company
Owner Robert Haley
P.O. Box 907
Caldwell ID 83606

Price  List

Click here to see the pictures of ghosts that you can chose from for my products.





Thank you for visiting my site at Angelfire. Come back any time you like and feel free to drop a word about this site to any one interested.

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