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this is just a few for now... don't trip if you aint' on it!
i love you all sooo much!

nickel_you are my sunshine! haha hey girlfriend/loser#1, thanks for always being there for me. i'm glad you cheer me up always!
"chelsea"_hey paulina! man, long time. now your my lover. great. haha. lots of WOW stuff this year, but thanks for listening, cuz yea you know. =P
nick_hey man. i miss kickin it, yer great, and stay yea one thing- don't change or i will beat you up! mwahah
juan_hey wifey! hahah oh wow. awsome stuff. yer soo cool to hang out with. keep up the dancing and stay "strong" bodied it's hot! haha lol.
cj_man.. no comment. lol. you know why. but i'm glad we're still great friends
dennis_man what happened?! AWSOME! haha i'm glad i'm not psycho, but yer "awsome" aha stay that way, your uniquness is uhh unique! lol "la la la la la la"
blake_well panda. i'm happy you're happy. "i love your style, and damn your smile" haha.. yes true to true you. haha.. grand. your 1 of the few people that get my weirdness! lava you dude!
diana_steve! oh man... you gotta find a hottie policeman! haha we're soo cool! halloween nex year will be bomb. thanks for staying mad 'tyte'. oh dang!
tony_man! we never had our party! oh well. haha yer still an awsome loser. i love you for that. thanks for making things cool!
art_my lil churro! oh man. i miss our late talks from bak in the day.. i'll always be here as your ate and as your friend. take cares cuz i care!
jireh_what can i say.. OMG.. haha ok i won't flatter you, but thanks for always livening up the mood! haha you know.. making me smile
hsia_geebis.. your an awsome chicka! haha stay fresh! you know what i mean. but thanks for being there for me. i'm always here for you and you know that! WHOO hoo!
hoai_we've went through sooooo much. amazing. your a great individual. i hope you know that! i just wanted to say that i'm glad we are good friends! lava you man!
quan_oh geez quan! q-tip! the love of my life! haha jk.. i miss our dates, who's line isn't the same without you. *siGh... but i hope you don't ever forget me! haha
jon_pimp! haha weasel? wait huh? hello jon. haha.. i miss you. need to see you soon kay? i hoe you know that! kay kay kay?!
edhead_hey man! don't forget our 2-person band. it'll be the bizomb. i mean AFTER my 1-woman band. haha cuz i will be better than us. hahha "say hi to ___ for me" "no prob" lol.. your welcome!
james_man i dunno what to say anymore.. you'll always be yea... no matter what happens. thanks or everything. you are a great person. don't change!
michelle_what can i say... what happened?! i'm glad we're still friends.. but wow. well take cares. have a great time being you!!!
jimmy_you keep on saying i don't talk to you.. DUDE, you don't talk to me. how can i be ok when you don't talk to me?! geez. so shut it! hahaha!
bradsome_omg, yer so grand. i'm so glad you are happy with theresa, you two are bomb! haha take cares! talk to me sometime more.. geez.
budhead_omg. i miss our talks like lastyear and in the summer. man. you're blowin it. haha i like your weirdness. dont' change cuz people think it's annoying. IT'S NOT... it's YOU!
mikee_you always make me laugh! man your so neato! haha . we still need to kick it. hMm.. yes. we need to do that!
topher_good times good times. haha i love how you were nervous, it was cute. haha. glad we hang out now. haha MAYBE you will get your x-mas gift. =)
rose_geez. i'm glad your there for me and all, but damn. we don't even talk much anymore you busy school girl you! haha don't kill yourself w/hw!
mindy_omg your like my new best friend @ school now! haha chemistry sucks I KNOW! AHHH stress. haha.. well good job and i lava you master mindy! haha <3 your mingo. haha
eenz_you're an awsome person. jr. class is so much funner with you. hha. next year? right right right? that will be BOMB!
jackie_the new loser! man we all still need to kick it again. haha.. how is our boyfriend? hahha jk. i miss junior high all the time! best years of my life? well sorta haha.. man..
tiffany_all the way in the aisle of kali. gah i effin miss you! things just aren't the same! i want you to come bak NOW damnit! or imma beat you up? naw never. but i miss you sooooo much and yea. lava you always! stay SWEEET!
marie_oh geez. always smiling. haha more than me? NEVER! well ok maybe we're tied. haha but NOT ALWAYS.. geez, you will never beat me i get face cramps! YES~ no.. aww. lol
jay_omg. you always smile me! i love it! i love you and your little drawings! they're awsome, your awsome! i just dont' understand... your great. hc was awsome! thanks! =)
daniel_! wtf! i hate you! you broke my bracelet! tsk tsk tsk. that was the symbol of my affection for you. and what did you do?! BREAK IT! gosh...
billy_haha you must be a "broome" cuz you swept me off my feet! hahha oh shnaps, that was a good one. lol. i'll visit you more often! kay?!
aaron_omg omg omg omg. cool? who? cool you? yes cool you? huh? yes you cool. really? yes aaron cool you and you cool aaron! haha i will beat you in ppg the next time we play! sucka!
werd_you are the sexiest mo-fo i know! haha lol. whoo. man. oooo i love the way, love the way you move. haha take cares cuz i will beat someone up if you don't! =)
evan_dude! ... dude! ... DUDE! hc was grand. and yes, we SHOULD kick it more.. BUT.. i'm not driving. lol.. we can ride in your bumpin white truck!
sol_hellooooo salvador.. you are my love slave damnit! haha and YOU KNOW IT! mwahaha. spanish is our favorite class!.. YES!
ralph_hey man hey man. what happened to our stuff? oh geez. it just blurred away, your too "smoothe" for me now. geez. s'ok there's always um tomorrow? haha
taylorbro_my all time favoritest. sorry i couldn't give you rides. man i still lav you. stay tall and KOOL! hahaha yes! man since 5th grade. you are sexyly grand!
ninyo_man i am soo glad i met you. you are a sexy dancer! haha.. whoo-hoo. you are awsome. and one creative mar-paka. stay awsome! take care o jenna you two are sexy biats! lol.
rob_cooool. you n ur lil cuz vince r bomb. hahah you two r funny little whackos. awsome.

well i'm not done...bRb haha *hand cramp EFF*