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Baby Victoria Pictures
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Butterfly's 2006
Johns Wedding 2006
Santos Wedding 2003
Cookout 2006
Memorial Day 2006
Cindy's Wedding
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Baby Shower
Last Update:

 June 17th 2006

Holly gifts!!!! Well thank you one and all for attending the baby shower. It was intense and I know Kristina and I had a blast and I hope you all did too. Here are the pictures from the baby shower that we captured please feel free to email any additional pictures you may wanna see on this site.

'I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe'


                                                                                             Aug 31st 2006


       Wow 6 days as a dad and loving it. Here are the pictures from the babys first week sorry it took me so long but here we are. As always any pics you wanna see on this site please email them to me.






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