Okay. This is just a image of layout out here!

This is code. Copy it!:
<td bgcolor="black" align="left" valign="top" width="410"> <table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='410'> <tr> <td valign='top' width='410'><font color="#efcf08"> <font face="tahoma" color="black" size="1"> <img src="http://flyaaraisha.times.lv/petpetpalace.gif"> <table style="Position:absolute; top:270;left:350;"> <ilayer name="scroll1"><br><div id="scroll3" style="width:300;height:150; background-color:; overflow:auto"> General stuff goes here! ;) </div></table> <table style="Position:absolute; top:500;left:300;"> <ilayer name="scroll1"><br><div id="scroll3" style="width:100;height:100; background-color:; overflow:auto">Put something else out here</div></table> <table style="Position:absolute; top:500;left:490;"> <ilayer name="scroll1"><br><div id="scroll3" style="width:100;height:100; background-color:; overflow:auto">Cool huh? Type in something!</table>

This is your banner!

Banner code goes here. Copy it!:
<a href="http://www.neopets.com/guilds/guild.phtml?oid=billabong_babe2002"><img src="http://flyaaraisha.times.lv/ppb.gif" alt="Join the coolest petpet guild!"></a>

Have a nice day! For layout colours choose every colour that you want but for background put white!
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