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Photos of the Flib

Yes at last Flib has gotten off her arse and created her very own photo album. Thank god for technology.
If you are looking for the meaning of life, Weapons of Mass destruction or a quick shag, then I shall have to inform you that all are out of the question - except for the latter which I shall consider right after I eat this here toasted cheese and ham sandwhich.
Mmmm....melted cheesy goodness..

Hot damn! I'm rambling! Time for some photos ya'll!

BRAND SPANKING NEW! At last I managed to put up some of my art work. Am immensly proud of this one,drawn in pacer but coloured with crayon and touched up a bit on Photoshop. Sorta-but-not-really inspired by the character of Aziraphale from Neil Gaimen/Terry Pratchett's 'Good Omens' (That and a hefty amount of slash fanfiction on aforementioned novel..)...Pah..Ya'll know I'm a sucker for effeminate boys/men/angels/immortal lifeforms.... ;)


NEW! Very nice one of myself (as a dominatrix) and Kayem (as God) at the Creative Arts Festival. The theme was what we wanted to be when we grow up, so I figured our respective costumes were highly appropriate...;) (Note Kayem's name tag. A rather cool touch I thought...)
A gay facade!

NEW - Another creative arts pic. This is Fang (as an escaped mental patient) in Kayem's straight jacket. I just love her evil grin...
Nuttier than a squirrel turd...

NEW - Another one of yours truly looking highly supah at the CAF...
Crack that whip!

Here we have a half decent one of our heroine - complete with her famed bowler hat!
Hurrah for bowlers

Next up is a photo from Gilligan's costume party.
left to right: Fallimar (as a lizard) Myself (as a cat) and Fang (as a mouse.) I think Adrian stole her mask during the course of the evening.
If only we could talk to the animals

A gorgeous one of Kayem in my bowler. Oh the Kawaii-ness!
Kayem Bowler

And now, for the obligatory Leighton photos! Oh yes indeedy - Flibby's gonna be a dead imp when Leighton finds these. Heh Heh...Sorry Gerbil boy, blame Sophia! I crack up every time I see this photo! Oooh man he's gonna kill me...

Alright - one last photo pulling the piss outta poor old Leighton. This one's going up on his 21st. I adore the expression on little Z's face here..
I feel pretty..oh so pretty..

Loverly lone of our Senior Ball. Paige(left) and Vu (Right) in the front and Kayem (Right) and myself behind. Don't we look faaaabulous??
Belles of the ball!

Oh good grief - It's red haired Flibby! AARGGH! The colour!

Nice one of Little Z on the drums.Gotta love the tutu.

Boom shakalaka!

And I thought *I* was obsessed. This is just scary.
He's NOT my brother..

Gorgeous one of Leighton and the Fluffy one herself Miss Vuwani before our Senior Ball.
SMILE for once Leighton!

A random one of Perth's skyline taken from King's Park. Just cos I can!
Home of the Flib!

Nice one of myself before the Senior ball. The evil people at the salon screwed up my hair - so look like medusa in this one. But smeh..twas a great evening.
You shall go to the ball Fliberella!

This is a gorgeous one of my sister little Ellie in my bowler. Taken during my holiday in england. I look like a total muppet but never mind. Worship my purple bangs!
People keep stealing my bowler...

And yet more siblings. A cute one of Sophie Aka Dollop. PIZZA!!

Can you tell I'm obsessed?
Flib Potter

After a leetle bit too much sugar. Ah well - Kayem thinks it's cute...

Leaping on an unfortunate Leighton at Z's house...visible bra-line and all! Hail to the cheap top hat!
This could have ended badly..

Ah, this one is definately one of my favorites. Taken at Cara's birthday picnic. Kayem in green, and Muffin in blue being molested by yours truly.
Much molestation

Bugger off...

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Cheese anyone?
Because I'm feeling stoopid.
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