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The Guide to Farting
Site by Fart Boy

Step 1 Fill yourself with lots of protein.
Step 2 Keep calm, dont try pushing it out or you'll get a wussy fart.
Step 3 You should now be feeling a funny sensation in your body. If you feel something pushing out, make sure your not about to crap.
Step 4 Ok. It's not crap. Push out, but make sure it is silent in the room you are in.

Becoming a Master of Farting

You are now at the tricky part. Here is what you do.
If you are in a classroom, this is really fun. Say, your doing Science.
"We are now discussing salmonoids" says the teacher (Right now you should be loading yourself up)
*** FART *** Congrads! You have just disrupted the class. Now, you may be sent to study hall or detention, but who cares!
Disrupting the class OWNS!!

NoTe: WhEn GoInG tO MuSiC rEmEmBeR tO lOoK DoWn AnD rE-EnTeR tHiS SiTe (YoU wOnT bE LeAvInG)
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