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effing hxc

Cats- the best pets

Cats as Pets

another new band on the jacksonville hardcore scene... no name yet,weve just been reffering to ourselves as effing hxc,because we are effing hardcore... actually i guess you could call us screamo. but we are as hardcore as a bunch of high school girls can get. weve got heather on the vocals,kaylan on the bass,laura on the guitar,and mary on the keybaords. still lookin for a drummer. we pretty much just formed like 2 days ago,but we already have 3 finished songs,as far as lyrics goes...still writin the actual music. but thats pretty good for us. weve all been in bands before,but none of them ever went anywhere,no one could really write songs or play instruments or anything... but now im rambling. keep checkin back for updates on our progress,and maybe eventually we can get a real website if we ever actually get our shit together. our highest priority now is finding a drummer and writing songs. but sign our guestbook or send me a message if youve got any suggestions for a name. you can reach me on aim at notbad4aninja...or email me at yeah,im the self-appointed leader now. uh...and im not sure why it says "cats as pets" and has a pic of a cat here... haha,just ignore that. <3heather

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