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For the Paranormal

INVESTIGATION: Objective on site investigation, historical research (does the phenomena match something within the history of the site?) and data collection in general.

HYPOTHESIS: Not necessarily "positive" or "negative". Your hypothesis could range from "This could be a case of an urban legend" to "The ghost seems to be doing or acting like 'X' person from the site's history" or who knows what.

ELIMINATION: This is where you take the data you have collected and compare it to your hypothesis. Also, this is your chance to take a hard look at your witness testimony. Keep in mind, every witness is different... Also, is this "first hand" information or the report from a friend of a friend...? Carefully and with an open mind, try to sort the testimony to eliminate any issues and also eliminate possible "natural" causes or even eliminate possible "ghosts” and ALL data should be collected!

RESEARCH: So now, you've eliminated some ideas and hopefully strengthened others. You look into the most LIKELY cause(s)/idea(s) that the above has given you and do a little extra research.A little extra research should help answer these questions. Also, look for "ties" to the phenomena. Who has seen it? What is there relation with each other and the phenomena?

CONCLUSION(S): First off, there is NO such thing as a "closed case" unless you have completely (and with DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE that you have) debunked the stories and reports or proven that "ghosts" do exist overall... and that proof had better be more than substantial and stand up to the highest scrutiny! You can finish a case as far as your present situation allows but remember, someone else may come along and figure something else out OR a new piece of equipment might be just the ticket OR... well, you get the idea. This is just the conclusion of your present investigation

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