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Duff Sucks

Hilary~ She thinks shes the new Britany! And she can't even sing! Sure her acting isn't too bad, but why not spread the fame to some actually TALENTED singers! She only got to sing cause she is in the business! I mean, come on!! She needs to realize that she's not the best singer in the world! Don't even try to tell me that shes a nice person because she probably is, but really! Major wanna be! And what's up with this punk/prep thing? I mean, pick one already! You can't pull off both. She tries too hard to be punk, but sorry, you just can't! Rebel? I think not! And what's up with those videos!? She's always wearing her THICK eyeliner, and moving around as if she's got nothing better to do. It always has to have a guy she needs to get back or something...are we even really sure she can get a guy like that? Sure some guys think she's hot...but Aaron Carter thinks she's a player!!! If you want to laugh your head off at her, the Punk'd episode of her was SOOO FUNNY! the guy tells her to flip off these guys and shes like "no...i cant do that! Wait! Are you crazy? I cant do that!" She also said a couple of words that would probably take her out of the "goody-goody" level. Good job for making it this far Hil~but face it! Stop while you're ahead!

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