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Spryfield is a dirty, sleazy place...

Spryfield is a shitty town with a lot of garbage. This is sexy Andy Cross standing in some of the random
garbage that was beside a corner store. He then pissed right beside somebodies window. They saw and started
yelling. A lot. It was so hot.
This is one of the many outlines of dead bodies found in the town...
Andy's ex-girlfriend went into labor in this pile of garbage. After the triplets were born, they
did it. While doing it, her placenta fell out.

In Spryfield, people get shot daily. There is a corpse recycling plant, and they turn the bodies into
steaks and sell it to people from Truro... Because Truro sucks and so do the people in it.
this page was made with love by Danielle Ziabek

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