des and pyrie

random facts, issues set straight, sum inside jokes, intros and w/e else we felt like listing..soon to b made more wen im less lazy

our sitez

habbo hotel *des's habbo name is Tempest, hit her up sumtime*
kewl free fonts
free kewl site toolz
gr8 ways to commit suicide *Ok all u thinking about that in here, read this 1st, AT LEAST DO IT RITE!!!! XP!!*
make a bot its awesum
des's blog *its really bad half of it got deleted so its pathetic*
our fav name site, make shure u check out tha greek names, and get urself a greek nic
des's school calendar
pyrie's school site
gr8 mail service lol

hey..ummm yeah..notin here to say really i sed it all in list hahaaa..well ill update this a lot and so will pyrie i pwomise!! once pyrie sends me tha pix im gunna put sum of them in here.. JOurnal~des hey guys..sup? kae 2day waws really weird but it sucked ass... sunday morning, the worst morning of the week, respectivly, as usual, and i come downstairs, dressed as i thot 4church lookin okay i thot but obviously not, and i had to change. that of course pissed me off but didnt surprise me and i came bak downstairs looking i thot, what they would thinik appropriate...well, obviously NOT b/c 5 min into tha car ride moms pissed and long story short she starts calling me a slut, i yell bak at her..ok i cussed bak and she wanted me to get out, out where?? we go bak home and here i am, red eyed frum crying cause my fam is screwed i gess...o yeah and 4 neone who is wondering, no im not gettin out lol it doesnt work that way i gess she was just blowing steam even tho she said shes dead serious and shes said it b4..o well idn.....well on a lighter note, im gunna have sum fun playin wit html now lol so bear with me this mite b really random.. wanna lissen to tha radio while lissening to me try not 2 bitch on my mom..look at this...

Radio and Television Remote Control *

lol yeah isnt that kewl?? i dont understand html..its a "Mystery to me" lol! idn..but its fun to c it work on my site even tho i have no clu how the hell it does ijust jinxed it, it wont work just watch..dammit!! look at this its awesum!! i dint even no that this many search engines exisited..well, i gess i assumed they did but i didnt no ne of them,,well now i do i gess lol.. time~
Powered by weather.... woah i thot this was really kewl lol
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Search Engine Marketing Tools
omg this one is sooooooooo awesum i meen it lol but i cudnt get it to work on my blog, and that made me sad..i hope it works here, but idn if it will..i love it tho.. Background
isnt that kewl u can make it the color u want lol but it mite not work:(:( jokes...
Joke and Riddle Search!
ok, im bored of bbl oo i love does it wo
Get your own chatbox on!rk?? swayt! this is hilarious sup guys? des again...yeah i gess the only reason i rite in here is that i get really sad iwas talkin to pyr and she got o well neways im gunna post one of my songs here even tho ppl will prolly think its really stupid, but hey, i dont think ne1 but me and pyrie go to this site neways so ill just post it..and if u do happen to read this, even if u think its stupid, email me tell me what u think! lol kae here we posting pyries fav so yeah...not myn specifically...o idn!!.and i ges its better *worse???* with tha tune......................................................................................................... i never used to worry about things like this b4, living used to b so fun but now its just a chore. i used to walk on fences; i used to run and soar. now all this stuff is happening, this stuff that i abhore.................................................get me outta tha fire rite now, rite now, b4 i burn, b4 i die.just as gold i was refineD, but get me outta tha fire b4 i die, b4 i die, b4 i die, b4 i die, b4 i die, get me outta the fire b4 i die....................................................i was walking on a fence, things were just fine, and then i fell.fell deep into this pit that seems aliving hell. things'll get better soon, u'll rise out he wud tell. u better b rite matty i cant stand this sulfer smell, ne longer-........................................................get me outta the fire rite now rite now b4 i burn, b4 i die, just as gold i was refined, but get me outta the fire b4 i die, b4 i die, b4 i die, b4 i die, b4 i die, get me outta the fire b4 i die...........................................................................................................i was so pissed that all this shit had happened to me. i was so confused but now i think ic. this was all to make me better, but god just leave me b! dont wanna grow nemore, im just too lazy! yeah.......................................................................................................... get me outta the fire rite now, rite now, b4 i burn, b4 i die, just as gold i was refined, but get me outta the fire b4 i die, b 4 i die, b4 i die, b4 i die, yes i will die, get meoutta the fire b4 i die............................................................................................................. so yeah...thats one of them idn tell me what u think! :/...O HAHAH if ur wondering about all tha random periods its cause i cudnt remember and was too lazy to figure out spacing using html so yeah haha.. lalalalall o yeah pyrie gets all tha luck! lol! she nos what a i meen now dont u! maayyynn...o yeah, say a prayer 4 me 2morro guys, im gunan b in counseling:( dammit i wud b ok if it were just me, but its not its gunna b my whole fam to so i cant b just like ok fuck off phcycologist person leave me alone!!!!! xPP!!! lol kae...i noe i used this as my blog and ignored my blog, lol i have the most pathetic blog, and i rite here altho i gess i shudnt i shud rite in tha blog, but im too lazy or w/e...hahaha... hey guys! inoe its been geniuses out there noe how to help me and pyrie get pix on tha site email me err..her and shell email it to me..or w/e well email me and tell me how cause the fucking thing wont workl dammit...umm yeah...not like they wer good pix..well, pyries was..but i looked like shit...yeah this is des again...pyries really really lazy and the only time she "Writes" is when shes behind me.. lmfao..yay i noe im using this as a blog..altho i shudnt..i do have an angelfire bl0g, but it wont work! i meen it will, i can rite in it, but i cant link it to the site..honestly, i dont understand these angelfire sites at all lmfao i get along a lot better with the tripod sites..i love those and they make so much more sence! o yeah i made a site...another site.. but im not shure if im gunna tell what it is cause sum ppl will b like omfg but then again, ppl i noe have access to this site and they dont give shit, and i cuss in hear neways...that site will eventually have more stuff on it, it looks a LOT cooler, and it makes a hell of a lot more sence..hey maybe ill transfer this to that...maybe hey its me again...not in tha greatest mood....but oh well rite?? rite...damndamndamn..ok, well that was im bored and i have nothing to say so idn ill post another song..................................... im tired of all ur tears. im sik of all ur fears. and were all a bunch of mirrors, but im the only one who hears, all ur cries

you hate what has been done. and ur confused about the one. whats the meaning of fun. when the hurts in every1

chorus~~~~how do we learn? how do we go? how do we fix this, how do we know. just shut up, shut up, and leave me alone. bite me get lost, im sick of bein bossed by u. if i cud just escape, if only 4 a day, if i cud close my eyes and make this go away. just when i thot there was sumthing i knew, that fact was taken, now i can barely c u

want it 2 b tha way it was b4, b4 the hurt b4 tha tears

b4 there were the tears, b4 there were the fears, b4 we were all mirrors, when every1 had ears. we we loved what was done, and no1 was confused, and we were all having fun, when the joy was in every


yeah that one doesnt really have an ending... weird i bored, more html..hey look goth quotes...A Quote kae so thats done and im bored again..........................
br>bak..have i mentioned that sum1 is a bitch? no, well she is..kaei rote a poem...not song, poem, and i think its shit but email me and tell me if its shit.. i was really depressed wen i rote this yeah

alone 4ever she wastes away,
depression always everyday.
nostalgic, wishing, for things that were,
lookng longing, seeing what was her.
thinking, wondering, how things wud b,
if it wasnt 4 the ho a pbe.
crying, red eyed, she worries, she'll wait,
for something good to play into her fate.
but she gesses reality had a different thot.
maybe shes bargained for more than shes bot.
shes changing, theyre angry, they cry out, rejected!
smirking, she shrugs and walks off unaffected.
bitch on her face, but hurt in her heart,
yes they r bitches but she misses her part.
she thinks, theyre not real friends, screw that, and its tru,
but wen will the real ones come??
will it never b the same?
no, she doesnt want the same,
but she doesnt noe that.
not yet

kae another poem..this one really sux but ill put it hurr neways

others get away with it.
me i get nothing.
limping in the shadows.
down, discouraged dying.
i am all alone,
there is no1.

nobody asks, nobody cares, and i dont belong newhere.
tired of trying i fall to the ground,
their tongues then assault me,
i die without a sound.

no1 nos theyve killed me;
i look just the same.
but its what they cant see, that will never be the same.

maybe there was a reason that i went bitch that day.
maybe it was something, that i just couldnt say.
maybe if u'd given space and not condemned away,
i would still b here-
but they dont care, do they??

HEY THIS IS PYRIE!!!!! kae i wrote a poem too but mine sux shit compared to hers!***This is des*** ****NONONO is does NOT suck shit its AWSOMe! KEep writing!**** i told u des that i cudnt write poems or music but o well i guess ill put it on here n e way..............

Walking all alone she cries
No one sees her downcast eyes
And the rain starts pouring down
Her eyes still pointed at the ground
Many people pass her by
No one knows or sees her cry
And so she slowly walks away
And no one knows her silent pain
Her teardrops covered up by the rain
She gets home and flops in bed
She tries to sleep but thoughts fill her head
She closes her eyes as teardrops fall
“What if no one wants me at all?
All I want is to be loved,
Hugged and kissed, not pushed and shoved”
And so she quietly sleeps away
All her fears and silent pain
Her teardrops falling from her eyes like rain.

okay well that was it and yah i hope u guys dont think it was really stupid cuz i tried fukin hard to write a poem/song/wutever... so yeah i just figured out how to write n here so i guess now i will write alot more. arite well bye!!

hey again its des! lmao u can tell that i finally figured out very very basic html, and that is y u have spaces now and can actually read sum of of tha poems... its kewl.. hey look its blinking(or supposed to be)

ok so i just looked and its NOT blinking..and that makes me ill try again but it prolly wont blink...blink please

des again..okay so it wudnt blink....damn that html..oh well ill

brr its cold rite now..... oohh i rote a another song..okay well ive ritten lots of songs and poems and i have a lot that i havent put on here but i wont put the particular one that i am thinking about on here..i was gunna, but then i decidede that sum ppl wud take it offensivly....umm nothing else to say really..ohh!! i got bored so i took a couple told me i was gothic at heart so i took a gothic quiz and found out im an artsy goth, and then i took a royalty quiz and found out that im out of all the choices...*queen, princess baroness duchess, etc u noe* im a revolutionary. hahaha i love it! later!

hey its des... adding more poems here.... **lately the words have just been coming..not the music, the words... i dont know why.. i write songs, not poems.. what is happening?? sorry that was just a thot i had***

the day is over,
so is the fun,
though it feels,
like she never begun

she sees their anger,
she sees their pain
she sees what she hopes
shell never feel again

but she sees their laughter
and she sees theyre sane
something she'll never
know again.

so naieve,
she thought she'd found a way,
to escape forever,
the hell of her day.

she thought she had problems,
she though she knew hell.
but now she knows she didnt,
not until she fell.

with one small jump,
she ended it all,
one small step,
she took her fall.

and left this lie,
to enter hell
she chose to die.
and was decieved.

ushered away by death,
and so she'll go.
how satan tricked her,
she'll never know.

she believed,
she couldnt win.
before she ever
could begin.

she lost her chance.
she'll burn in hell.
she didnt think
b4 she fell.

HE tried to tell her,
it wasnt that bad.
she wouldnt listen\
she was too mad.

when satan showed
she was his forever
love, she would
now know never

shes in agony
excruciating pain,
and she wishes,
for deaths bloodstain.

but it wont come.
4 this is forever.
she'lkl burn in hell,
and b relieved,

little kid

so desperate to feel the old times
so desperate to smile
not caring id its negative
the fake hoy feels worthwhile

but its not and she feel the ache
she walks slow and secretly hopes
but they dont come they dont care
so she settles down and mopes

such a small thing but it meant just a lot
they hadnt dreamed it did
dissapointed she walks away forever
its tragic shes just a little kid.

my life

when will the torture end?
i cant see past the next bend
of the winding road of life

i dont think i can stand the wait
dont think that i can bear my fate
from the fucked up way of life

crossed the threshhold the smiles diminish
just cannot wait until i finish,
till i live my own life.

need there b such misery , such pain
what is it 4, ur own personal gain??
just trying to runi a life?

hate myself,
this is such a cliche
but we fite every goddamn day
what an unwonderful life.

im so happy when im elsewhere
and i know u really do care
but u suck at showing it in your life.

when will the torture end?
i cant see past the next bend
of the winding road of life.

***this is my current fav. poem of myn i think***

Revengeful Phychopathic Human Test Tube

why is it that you're so good,
looking at me, so misunderstood.
you have to make this life such a fight
to be who i am, lover of the night.

i didnt want to hurt you
i didnt like your pain
but you nag and you nag
and i see it as gain
wen i piss you off and make you yell
make you say im going to hell

im not a heathen, im just being me.
why cant you learn and just leave me b?
everything i say isnt a vital line
everything i do isnt a vital sign

stop ur anylization, your scientific shit
im not a test tube, made just to take a hit.
sum stuff has happened and im not the same
and sum stuff was brewing before this came
dont beat yourself up or give yourself blame
but dont try to change me or make me so tame.

you play and you laugh, i weep and i cry.
inside you live, and inside i die.
you smile at me and make me ur doll
that wasnt very smart, for that ill make you fall.

from your hi perch as queen over me
cause now you are hurting from my sweet anarchy
ur bleeding and crying as i always do
didnt you see the signs of what i might do to you?

its not all a phase or a teenage joke
im not an experiment to prod and to poke
fuck all the counselors and screw you too
youve seen me pissed and youve seen what i can do.

email me what u think!! mailto:

hmm.. hey guys.. its des..just so all of u no, that is if neone ever comes here but o well, my internet is broke rite now so i wont b on a whole bunch..yeah yeah i no im on now, im at the library duh i had hw to well it was interesting.. never did it b4.. 3 detentions sent out of 2 classes and i missed sixth hour cause i was in the principals office and then my mom came and talked to the principal too and then to top it all off i had zap detention that day too..i think my moms gunna die..or kill me..lmfao..whichever comes first!

ohh!! i rote a poem for that gay contest at skool about your hero or what ever...ill post it here when i can i cant remember it right now..its sometning like this...

the cries of the forgotten rise up from rotten tongues.
the wails of deasd innocents struggle from dry lungs
the shouts of mighty legends peice the graveyard air
where all is still and black and grim and now noone comes there.

they cry for our memory, they wail for our thoughts,
but their wails fall upon dead ears of tiny playing tots
mommys watch their children play, smiling, they care not
for the memory of legends just underfoot, now long forgot.

of the innocent, the legends, the forgotten,
all in their plots, all bony and rotten
i overlook all; i see but one.
that stone under the shade- he was my son.

my son, my child, my own seed.
tragedy it is to have him precede
me in death, i should have gone before.
i should have answered wen death knocked during war.

he went, i stayed; i cowered, he braved.
to fight and die, like a hero he behaved.
to fight the battles of our nation, he left.
he went- happy and smiling and youthful and deft.

for his return he came wholly in black.
in blood, in gore. in
body sack.
how im proud of him!
though i feel so grim.
you ask, what is heroism?

i say:
its buried underfoot
under the stone
in the shade.

kae thats just the first part ill post the rest later...i dont remember the last lmao..the part that makes it relevant to the contest..oh well.. later


later... a day later...kae look up ive added the rest..this is by far my worstest poem.. c what riting 4 skool does 4 a person?? well there u me! especially since now im grounded..again! dammit!

sup? des again..for the last time in awhile prolly...i was grounded..but now, if this makes ne sence, im a lot more groundeder...hah..kae, im not gunna post a ton of my shit on here ne more, just go to my site...*ist just myn* this isnt a hyperlink ull just have to copy and past this....

and that has pretty much everything...
