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Welcome to the Hiei Dating Game

You may be wondering why the layout is so simple. I don't have enough time to add colors and a pretty layout. So enjoy the game the way it is. Continue reading for the game's details.


Read the paragraphs on each page. Read the choices you're given as an action you will take and click the link of the choice that best describes how you would have acted.
When you get to a 'dead end' the game is over and there will be a concluding paragraph containing a short story about your failure to win the game. If you decide to play again, click the 'Retry' button. It will take you to this page. If you decide to go back to Hiei Obsession, there will be a link you may click to take you to the homepage.
When you complete the game and win, there will be a concluding paragraph containing a short story about your sucess with winning the game. If you decide to play again, click the 'Play Again' button which will take you to this page. If you wish to return to Hiei Obsession, there will be a link you may click to take you to the homepage.

Game Layout

Each page will have basically the same layout. There will be a paragraph which will explain the situation, and three links that will help you to make a decision about your action. The first page will give you three different scenarios. Play through each of them for different results...It's very simple.
There are overall, three different types of screens that you will be on during a game.

1)Day--Determines the day you're playing(either Day one, Day two, or Day three)
2)End--When you lose the game
3)Secret--If you find a secret date

Game Objectives

  • Meet Hiei
  • Have a decent conversation
  • Go on a date
  • Live through the date
  • Get him to take you home
  • Get a kiss
  • Get asked on another date
    Try to complete these before the third day

    My Requests

    All I ask of you that if you see a broken link, report it by emailing me. If you see a spelling error, please tell me. All you have to do is give me the URL of the page you're on and the word that's mispelled. Thank you.

    To those who read this page: Thank you, any questions you may have are more than welcome. Please enjoy the game, and if I can do anything to make it better, let me know.

    The game isn't finished yet...have patience.

    Yu Yu Hakusho© belongs to Yoshihiro Togashi.