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Dans Truth

Thursday, 4 November 2004

Scott Peterson
Just the name will tell you he is guilty. The jury is out in deliberations. For what. Give the man the same fate he gave his wife and baby. Fry the mother fucker. Or better yet fill his shoes with concrete and take him an a fishing trip. If he didn't want to be married he could have been divorced for $300.00. But he has a million dollar lawyer? We need to be prepared he may walk like OJ. The other dark meat. The two of them can be a comerical for pigs. Both cases are the same and the outcome is yet to be seen. I have a message for Scott fuck you scum bag. Next time kill yourself. I hope the blond pussy was worth all this. You are the biggest piece of crap i've ever seen. I hope you are getting you ass filled with boy butter every night. And you mother is sitting behind you in court with oxygen being pumped into her lungs,because you even smell like shit. lets get all our money together rent a barge and fill it with everyone that hates this looser head out to Cali.and take Scottie fishing. He loves to fish with live bait this time he will be the bait.

Posted by scary/danstruth at 4:30 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 5 November 2004 10:02 AM EST
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Spead The Truth
Mood:  a-ok
Cut and copy this web address and send to everyone you know. Lets spread the truth

Posted by scary/danstruth at 4:10 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 4 November 2004 4:37 PM EST
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Yasser Arafat dead or alive
The looser Arafat has shit the bed or not.If he is still alive it won't be long. He's in a French hospital and his people don't speak French. So his days are turned into hours. I hope the dork is dead. One less person in the middle east. I think sending the raghead to France was a wise choice. Send all the ragheads to France. They don't like us. We fake we like them,but we don't. Ever see a French movie don't waste your money. Who will take over now that Arafat is on his way to Ala. I have a feeling Israel is about to wipe out all the smelly ragheads. Quick question why is it that a raghead smells like dead fish. I know because it is the cheapest way to defend your country. Hit them with the stink bomb. Ala,Ala,. This is another scam Arafat has been dead for days. Seen him on TV.his skin was whiter than George W's ass. Hey Arafat see ya. Go Isreal take them all down.

Posted by scary/danstruth at 4:04 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 5 November 2004 1:12 PM EST
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The Truth Needs You
Please make a donation to help keep the truth going strong

Posted by scary/danstruth at 3:19 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 4 November 2004 3:32 PM EST
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President Bush
Mood:  down
What do you know Bush is in again.Tell that to all the young men and women fighting in Iraq.I guess every life lost is a win for the big cheese.The big cheese is what he is more like swiss cheese,Oh yea the Swiss don't like him along with the rest of the world. Job loss is big here in the USA,yet all his friends are getting huge contracts over seas.Go figure that.And Dick is no better because he profits from everyday we are in Iraq.This is the biggest scam I'm ever seen,and if you don't believe that then you are just as big a looser as he is.It all started the day he was elected the first time.He says it was 9-11 that changed him.Bull shit.He wanted to get into Iraq to finish his daddy's work.That is the real story.9-11 was a perfect opportunity for Bush to enter Iraq,and he did.What do you know we are still there and Saddam is gone.You know why it is all about the money.Bush and The vice Dick C.are rolling in the bucks.Oh yea weapons of mass destruction that is why.The biggest weapon in Iraq is the sling shot.Every American should live in fear because Iraq was going to bomb us with the Almighty sling shot.But the days go on ,the military continue to die and Bush and the vice Dick profit.This election was a joke how does someone with such a shitty record get re elected.Only in America the land of the free and the land of the republican.What is a republican? I know someone who helps himself .Ever meet a republican who wasn't interested in only your money? Not.We have 4 more years of the Bush/Dick rule. And I'm sure 4 more years in Iraq. That way the 2some can make all the money possible.

Posted by scary/danstruth at 3:00 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 5 November 2004 1:17 PM EST
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