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Matts photos (hosted on angelfire, heehee I'm such a webspace whore) This page is under construction, I just started it, and my code is terrible, I mean absolutely shithouse, so if anyone happens to be good at HTML and fancys doing me a favor you are more than welcome to restructure this page for me. cheers.

Best spots to chill in the land of the long white cloud

Sites that ooze character like THE BLOB. lmao, go 1950s cult sci fi/horror film culture:-)

TooL stuff
human emotion splattered passionately onto paper and canvas
311 is the best band ever (cool flashplayer site)
spawn stuff, alien vs predator stuff, incredible models and figurines in gallery
House of 1000 corpses, The devil's rejects - terrifying manifestations of evil from deep within the twisted sense of humor of ROB ZOMBIE
My geocities page. thought for the day, bit of other random stuff (don't update it much)
My deviantart site, will probly link this one directly from MSN member directory soon and shut the others down, lots more webspace and stuff on deviantart.

the Angelfire Gallery of Fine Art (eat your heart out Ansel Adams)

From my travels around the South Island in Jan 04

This set was mostly taken on my Fuji Finepix S5000 Digital, some were taken on Panda's Fuji finepix S2000 digital but they all have been chopped down to under 1MPx anyway cos I only have 20MB of web space with angelfire. I will have to scam some more space somewhere for more photos and link it or something. Anyways here it is:-- We drove all the way from Auckland to Wellington and crossed on the Lynx to Picton. Then from Picton to the East Coast and down the Kaikoura Coast, stopping and camping it up on the side of the road. Carried on to the Alpine Unity festival at Flock Hill and then down to Te Anau, did the Kepler track and headed down to Milford Sound, chilled there for a bit and then came back up the West Coast stopping in all the busy spots for a look around and also some nice quiet out of the way spots in the middle of the forest, on endless beaches embraced by the breeze and crashing waves, underground springs where the water is fresh, cool and clear. The surrounding rainforest so untouched and pure it brings into question the fundamentals of human society. Because if we allowed PEOPLE to bulldoze this beautiful forest and build hotels, petrol stations and gondolas, despite the energy and magnificence of this magical place..... PEOPLE would. (I will get around to uploading heaps more photos here just got no time at the mo, for someone with no social life I seem to be awfully busy right about now, where do the days go!?!?!)


Alpine Unity 04

campsite on day 1

sunset over queenstown

curious kea

the fox glacier

franz josef glacier

a heron

kaikoura coast

seals fighting

keas destroying car
