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Freakydeaky, funk in you're junk, drunk, chunk, trunk, Taiwan

try your own story if you dare.... only rule is use the words listed above....

KungFuDiddly: okay so one night i was wandering around Taiwan drunk and i walk past this car and i hear a thumping sound from the trunk... i open it up and theres this HUGE guy shoved in the trunk of this little itty bitty car... im talking CHUNKy here... this gut was like a fuckin whale... anyway it turns out hes a famous Thai musician, he plays funk... he even has a top 10 song over there... its called "Freakydeaky Funk in You're Junk. that was a fun trip

DAiHATSUMiDGET2: ok... here we go... this one time I was in one of the red light districts in Taiwan... the really freakydeaky ones... like where all the pimps carried bananas and car wax... just to be crazy. So anyway, I'm in this red light district and I go into this bar. And I go up to the bartender and he asks me what I want and I say, "Surprise me." So he pulls out a trunk, and inside it is all this weird-looking stuff. And he takes out a chunk of this blue cheese-type thing and hands me the piece. I take a bit... and immediately I feel drunk. Like reeeeeeally drunk. I then start wandering around the bar blindly, and I stumble out the bar and fall face first onto the shoes of a pandering Taiwanese pimp... and as I look up to see the banana in his left hand and bottle of car wax in the other, he screams at me, "Yo white-bread! You all funk in you're junk! I cut you so fast!" He starts to raise his banana.... and then I wake up in my bed. And that was the last time I ever mixed Vanilla Coke and LSD. THE END

btp27417: one time i got really drunk and i went up to this girl and i said you got some funk in your junk.....i mean junk in your trunk but not a bit of chunk anywhere. i asked her is she wanted me to buy her a drink and she said sure and ordered the most expensive thing there. but at the end of the night i had given her a ride home and she said to me, "hey wanna spend the night at my place and get freakydeaky?" and by this time the alcohol was wearing off and she was butt ugly, so i said to her, "im sorry i cant i have to go to taiwan tomorrow to speak to their cartel" by then i had realized i told her too much and i had to put her in the brainwash/wittness protection program.

sparxxx2003: Well in my senior year i decided i wanted to travel so i became a foreign exchange student. I was being sent of to the shitty place of taiwan but i was just happy to travel. The one problem i have always had though is my fear of heights, as we took off in the jet airliner i so needed to blow chunks. Wow that was so sick that the people sitting next to me blew chunks as well. Eventually we arrived in taiwan and as i went for my luggage i had it all but my trunk. Considering it had all my clothes i was pissed so i went to the local bar and drank some beer. By the time i left i was so fucking drunk i couldnt walk. After this some chick came up and placed her hands down my pants and was like omg, i bet you have freakydeaky funk in you junk. She took me to her house and we had hot and wild sex for hours on in . . . . God I believe i now love taiwan.

ToNy pAuLa 12: One time i was at this party and i was drunk as hell. Every thought that came to mind was me getting freakydeaky with that girl sitting about 2 feet away from me on the other side of the fire. We both looked at eachother and caught attention of one another. i mouthed the sentance lets go to my car and i'll show you the funk. She mouthed back how about you show me the funk in your junk. we procceeded to my car and got in the back seat and one thing led to another and we were NAKED and fuckin like stoned test tube bunnies. When i awoke the next morning that girl was in my trunk and my car was in the parking lot of a sweatshop in tawain. What the fuck?

M1sled Y0uthZ3R0: Jerry was a rebel without a cause. he weould get drunk with his friends and chunk up his weed to smoke. one day while lighting his bowl he noticed an inscription that said MADE IN TAIWAN. he thought to him self hmmm wierd its made by the rice jockeys. he decided to buy an american made bown and put his asian piece in his steamer trunk. the first time he lit up his american made bowl he got a freakydeaky funk in you're junk feeling and decided it was time he got laid. he went out to the club and found a nice asian girl from taiwan. they went back to his house and she nothiced the steamer trunk when he went to clense his bladder. she opened it to find that a bowl from her native country had been put away in exchange for an insuperior american made bowl. later that night she decided she would seek revenge on him. after a night of hott sex jerry passed out in content. the asian woman then proceeded to chop off his penis and balls and create a bowl out of them in her majic kiln. she promptly returned before he awoke and placed a prostetic in the place of his wang. when he awoke she suggested smoking from her new piece she had just gotten. he agreed. to his dismay after he had smoked alomost half and ounce he noticed a blood stain in the crotch area of his pants. she then explained what she had done and exclaimed "so ur too good for my country's craftmanship but ur not too good for its poon tang?!" the man cried and took his own life by hitting himself over the head with her bowl (his penis).

Psycho Killuh54: Alright, it was late one night and the case had called me to taiwan....rumors of a big cocaine deal were goin down and thats when they called me in. My name is Detective Dickhead Campbell and i'm a private investigator. So there i arrived in taiwan and i noticed i had stepped in a giant chunk of taiwanese dog shit. I went to a local bar to use a bathroom to get it off. So there i was scraping shit off my shoe in a bathroom stall when sum dude busts in on me. He pulls me in front of every1, i guess i hadnt realized i was in a taiwanese s&m bar. They bent me over and pulled out a screw driver. they said to me- We're gunna stick this funk in your junk! I said no way man thats too freaky deaky for me, furry hand cuffs is about as kinky as i can get. They were so drunk tho that they were gunna shove this thing in my ass no matter what? I looked around and saw a trunk lying on the floor. I ran to it, opened it and it was covered in sex toys, i pulled out a whip and beat the SHIT outta all those taiwanese fucks!! Then like, i saw cocaine coming out of a guy's nose and asked em where he got it, he pointed to the back of the room and there was the coke stash. Another case solved by Detective Dickhead Campbell.

OldSkoolSoldia72: My friends always used to call me Chunk when i was a little kid... mainly cuz i was fat:-(. I was so fat that i didn't even fit in people's trunks, which is where i often ended up, cuz people are always hatin on fat white kids. Sad i know, but it happens. Anyway, the people in Taiwan felt for me, because they now how it is to be a fat white kid that's got no game. So one day, i go to this club... in Taiwan of course, cuz they ain't hatin over there. This club was called Freadydeaky. It was like a fat kids paradise... it was all candy women and beers. What more could a fat white boy want? So now one thing led to another, and i drank some beers and ate some candy... and things got a little crazy. I drank a few too many beers and got a bit drunk. But you'll have that i suppose. This is when the night came screeching to a halt, because, (not that i remember) i definitely tried to stick my funk in your junk . After the swelling in my face went down from where you punched me, i apologized, and things were a bit better, mainly because you had to leave Taiwan cuz you're not fat enough. So i lived happily ever after as a fat kid, and never again did i funk someones junk