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The Conspiracy Page
"It's better than Swiss cheese"


No mortal understands conspiracies, but that makes them half the fun"
From Eldronius the Hiruthian Highmaster, "Regarding Mortality"

"In a world dominated by toasters, it is nice to know I am deviod."

        From Leyhnain of Hu'nithia "Kilthos Adventures"

Conspiracy List

Microwave Rays of Larceny

The Story: Did you know that your microwave is stealing your credit information and forcing other mortals to purchase more microwaves.  This war is known as micro-catastrophe and has increased the sales of microwaves tenfold.  Microwaves have become a powerful foe! One such ability of the microwave is to cook a burrito so hot that Jesus himself could not eat it.  Next, is the suggestion that we are constantly bombarded by microwaves rays and this is proof of the big bang (technically called the "Universal Microwave Radiation Bombardment"), why do we continue to use these one minute thieves, when we know there plot?  Because of there ability to cook in one minuet flat, but little do people know, that it only takes thirty seconds for today's microwave to steal all your credit info.

How They Do It: How microwaves steal your information is found in the advance mathematical theory known as "adding."  By adding a credit card and a microwave you get appalling.

Battle Plan: The way to defeat these minstrels of hell is knowledge; know how they victimize you and keep your credit cards safe by keeping them in plastic wrap, the protection of the gods!

Microwave + Credit Card = Thievery




The Letter "A" Stands for Conspiracy

The letter "A" has long been viewed by scholars as just a letter <>.  However, recent archeological evidence has uncovered a deep secret to this letter, a conspiracy so deep that only angelfire can host its fury. What is this fury you ask?  To be exact and true to the archeological facts, the letter "a" uncovers a deep ancient early archaic period that caused the formation of personal archetypes; and from this formation of personal archetypes, mental domination of a culture.  Every time a person uses the letter A, a new personal archetype forms for the A culture.  The A culture was an early agrarian, avuncular, Eskimo style band that used micro blades to ensue fury upon early copper Inuit cultures; and control them by means of linguistic genocide.  So to fight back, the copper intuits formed a new letter (A); this letter used magic to form personal archetypes in the A culture; thus making them form lanceted points made from large conglomerate stone, this starving there culture by destroying there tools.  Scholars have decided to call them the A culture because copper Inuit's were successful in fighting back using the powers of the letter A.  So the next time you use the latter A, understand two things, it causes personal archetypes, and there is one way to protect yourself say: Evan of the youshema, of the highest order, weaken A and its fury.



Some info about me
   This information has been encrypted by top "specialist" and is vague and awe inspiring for the sake of "ambiguity."  Now, one may ask themselves why I did a conspiracy page, and what makes this page so much better than the rest...well for starters, I do not have to feel the grip of mortality or its weaknesses (i.e. living an avg. of 65 years makes one "naturally unperceptive"); and in rebuttal I would ask why you allow your microwave to steal credit information from you?  Having said such, this page enter a world of goblins and mystery were the grips of mortality are broken by the chains of everlasting life; and the wisdom it entails.  Now more about myself, I was born amongst a nebula of intergalactic positrons of the year -1245 of our good master, Harikul of Dementrius III.  That was a good time,  when we drove in driveways and parked on such protons (matter not anti-matter) have induced me internal life and now we park on driveways and drive on parkways.  Such things occurred because of the battle between Indius of the Anti-Energies, and Iralius of the Positive Foes.  The battle will be covered in a later discussion; and such being said, I have set the world into motion...Tsar's unite as the truth will shake the ground of Julikius and Hariukus of the third order...come and stamp those that existed in a world known as Nebullositron...

(not by Webster and I will explain that later)
       Conspiracy - any and all information on this website, or the use of double speak, "logos," poor folk music, and/or the continued use of Lysol.