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Bloody Temple
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Still At Batam Trip :) This is when we first boarded the boat going to Batam. This also first time ping sit a boat this big hahahahaha. So damn suay-gu and goon-du. 17/12/04. Updated on 21/02/05

Shit lah... how many times must i tell u GOD dont exisit. Wear ur father mother photo on ur neck can or not. The man hanging on the cross look so dsigusting on ur neck u know or not..

Me trying to act pai kia

Me trying to act cool.... failure

So i try agn to act cool with a strew now... but hell... I'm not cool at all :( sob.

Now this one look cool :) more like old man Russell like that... sit in that such comfortable position

Group photo, aiya...cannot see me.. take agn leh.

wow lua why my face half half one.... my hp dont like me izzit....

Aiya change hand to ping take the photo. But now everyone abit tired liao... all in strange strange position... and cannot smile porperly like the first two photo haha.

Yeah, guys only photo shot :) see it ? russell forever eyes close when taking photo and Long SIA lip is still so hell swollen

Weather very nice. windy and cloudy... but we scare rain when we get there :(

Look nice from the boat hor. Should be Sister Island or some hunt-du island or something.

This phot ah.. took me alot of time to photo-shop it.. damn bluer and dark and colour so damn bad... but lucky i good at photo-shopping at least make it a bit nicer than the original photo :)

This one they look more natural cuz i only did min photo-shopping haha only got increase the birghtness and so on so they dont look so Black

Me, when we are about to reach Batam liao.

This lawrence... he request the photo-shot first place ... it after him i see quite nice then i also take one at the same place.

Huh? who is this ? no la not lawrence lah... u see wrongly lah. lawrence seldom wear white underwear one. wat? u say lawrence also got a scar on his leg !? no lah... defintely not him. I take the photo one mah. of cuz i know its not him. dont ask so much lah. This person identity is secret.

On our way home from Batam...we took a pic of the nite time Sentosa...very blur but better than nothing lah hor :)

Click Here for more Batam Trip ------>



