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This is our Batam Trip :) Here's the intro

God is NOT here today... There's no such things as god in this world. There's only friends. Good and bad ones. Updated on 11 FEB 05

When we first arrive at the hotel counter preparing for the booking and so on

On the way to playing Gold Kart

I got nothing to do while they neglate me all alone walking behind them

I take photo of their BACKSIDE lor... since their backside catches so many of the passerby drivers attention !!!

When packing up to go home :) I no time to sort the photo lah :) She look sort like aunty selling things in the market hahaha

Pay for the things I buy liao then aunty looking for money in the pouch for change...

Counting money to give me the exact change....

This one also.... only tourist / those girls... leh those girls lor at batam will wear like that

Wow GOLD KART :) first time playing it muwahwahwah

Actually I a bit shaken after playing it... not becuz i cannot drive... but i nearly got killed by SHUPING, she Bery dangerous driver worst than drunk driver!!!

Wow got the feeling like world mobile 1 car racer like that win liao got two women sit beside take phot like that :)

The VICTORY hand sign

On a Car like thing testing photo shot

Really Cool hor... no wonder she keep pestering me and ping to help her take photo on this damn thing... aiya forget to mention her name :) She is Jaslyn.

More cool photo of Jaslyn and her motor

Yeah hahaha its a dummy motor = cannot move one for show only

Inside the damn hot Car with ping :)

This is the photo of us on the second day morning... we never sleep lor... look so damn shack... wonder wat we did last nite

Hahaha crushing the PERVERT below me. Die u worm die...muwahwahwah

When the nite is quiet and all are still ...

The damn pervert must be dreaming something pervertist he looks like his smiling in his dream... wonder who the unlucky soul in his dream... wet wet saliva

While waiting for lunch... i ambashed ping with my HP cam.

The armpit look like got hair... muwahwahwahwah

Tua Bai Gong like that.... look a bit silly lor

They still like to take photo so many times

Its Actually a small decoration corner but look quite nice

Still look abit silly sitting inside alone...

During the first nite where we go to a resturant for dinner so while waiting for food we took some photo. We good looking rite. Like couple like that matching white colour shirt somemore :)

OH this the first dish... and i only got time to take this photo...cuz they hell eating so fast... i a bit slower they finish all the good food liao. Ikidaikimasu

Wow so happy got food to eat , actually the waitress behind not bad looking bery pretty leh u know.

Actually I think she abit jealous becuz the waitress behind steal her shot.. she take another one. wat to do...

The million dollar FACE !!! WOW don't know took us how many hours to count the bill correctly to give them...digit damn big sia...

They also want to take photo

She see liao effect quite pretty also want to take single photo shot

Wow here u can see russell, Ziyi (pervert) and the other guy. Huh wat ? u say he look familar and not wearing anything? where got...he wearing something ma... and his face so blur... how can u recongnise him ?? No la u got the wrong person liao. Its not Lawrence la.

Hee, first time book in the Hotel HARRIS is like W.O.W so pretty ah so big so clean ah the room.... wow bed sheet so white W.O.W toilet got bath TUB !!! My house also dont have u know !!! Must take photo u know !!

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