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haunted Hotels



chicago hauntings famou hauntings





The Danville Cornfield Cemetery is a very old cemetery in the middle of a cornfield. Apparitions have been seen along with very eerie feelings. Off of Long Rd.

Hungry Hallow Rd. is haunted by little kids that had starved to death during the great depression. It is really freaky. You can go to the road and sit and hear kids say, their parents could not get to town for a while so they starved.

New Holland Apt. Building  is now empty, but in the basement you can feel cold spots and the chains from the lights will swing with no one touching them.  Several pictures taken in the basement have  orbs. It is said that a man was found dead in the basement.  It's not known if it was drug overdose or murder.


The ghost of the original owner of the
Avon Theater has been seen by many people roaming this old theater.

Greenwood Cemetery is arguably the most haunted cemetery in central Illinois. Greenwood is home to "the Greenwood Bride" who can be frequently seen and heard weeping.  The Civil War section is filled with Confederate prisoners who died from yellow fever. Their bodies were buried in unmarked graves. Many say that these soldiers still walk the hills of Greenwood Cemetery and will even confront you. A host of other spirits who prowl the confines of this large graveyard. For decades ghost lights have been reported on the southern edge of the graveyard.

There are a number of ghosts who hang around the 150 year old
Milliken University. In the main theater, there is a ghost called "Track girl" for whom the performers leave candy for before a show, to ensure that all things will be well.

Des Plaines

Late at night near the juice bar of the
Galaxy club, you can hear over the loud music people calling your name. There is an air hockey game in the back of the club and when nobody is playing it you can hear the puck move across the board and hitting the paddles. After the club closes and all the lights are off, you hear loud crashing noises. But when you go to look, nothing has fallen. You can even see orbs of light moving fast through the darkness of the club.

Back in the 1930's when the
Maryville Academy was used as a Catholic orphanage, there was evidence that the girls' dormitory was haunted by the spirit of a nun. There were sounds of footsteps, swishing of skirts, and the sound of the rosary beads clicking, but the nun herself was invisible.


 In 1925 when the tri-state tornado ripped through this community it leveled the two story brick building, at the
Desoto Grade School, killing many children. At night you can still hear children laughing and playing through the halls and on the playground.

To get to the
Pleasant Grove cemetery, you have to take dirt roads about a mile back in a field. The cemetery is surrounded by forest. Once in the cemetery, different creepy sounds can be heard. Some figures have also been viewed here.

Douglas County

Witnesses say specters can be seen along
Airtight Road at night. If you stop and shut off your car, it is almost impossible to restart your car w/ out the aid of another.

Lost Forties  Legend is a large area of land northwest of Oakland and southeast of Tuscola of a girl who runs out in front of cars and gets hit. Everyone in the car felt the impact, but when they stop the car and try to find the girl she is gone.

East Peoria

Cole Hollow Road was the site of
"Cohomo" (Cole Hollow Road Monster) in the 60's. There were tons of sightings of this monster back then, but there has not been any sighting since then, but strange phenomena such as rocks flying out of nowhere at your car and lights in the woods have been seen.

East St. Louis

There have been reports of hearing a faint scream at the
State Street abandoned building.  A figure that looked like a woman appeared from nowhere with its hand reaching out.


Three Mile House is an inn and tavern established in 1858.  It  became quite a popular destination along the St. Louis - Springfield stage coach route. Various reports of hauntings including those of slaves, children, various adults.

It's been said that
Effingham - Ramsey Cemetery has haunted caves. A werewolf and a man in a black cloak with red eyes is said to be seen there. Many weird things have happened there.  

El Paso Health Care Center is a mental health facility that has call lights going off when no one is in the room. Doors slamming with no wind also occur. There is a presence on at least two of the halls and no one who works there now will go down one of these halls without the light on.


The employees at
Beef Villa have claims of seeing orbs of light and feeling cold spots, as well as the lights and ovens turning on and off in many different occasions. Some of the people who have eaten there say they have felt as if someone was standing behind them whispering, when nobody was there. There have been stories of a young teenage boy having been shot and killed in front of the restaurant, in the 1980's sometime. It is said that it is his angry and depressed spirit that plagues this location with the paranormal.

Channing Memorial Elementary School has had everything from cold spots, to apparitions, to footsteps from the upper floor (when you are "alone" in the building) has been reported here. When an addition was built on to the building, over 13 skeletons were found in the ground under which the school was built. Most of them estimated to be children ages ranging 10 to 17 years of age. bIf you enter this building after dark, be prepared to hear voices whispering in your ear, as well as screaming from the upper floor (it all seems to be centered around the upper floor) doors that open and close by themselves, and an elevator that operates itself. Many night custodians have fled the building in the middle of their shift, leaving personal belongings, scared to death, refusing to tell what they saw, or heard. And refusing to ever enter the building again.

Documentation of patients being tortured in the
Elgin Psychiatric Hospital Cemetery at the turn of the century era before science understood insanity. They then were buried five in a grave with the name of the body on top marking that grave. All kinds of supernatural activity here ranging from orbs to apparitions.

Elgin State Mental Institution was a relic of the 1950's era of using pain for mental treatment. Electroshock and cold therapy were some of the ghastly methods used on patients. Many died and as the years went on, and the cemetery ran out of room, the bodies were incinerated in the basement. The campus is shut down, and is closed down. Visitors have to hop a fence and run from the security guards to avoid being fined $5,000. Reports include tapings, screams, shadows, lights inside, cold fields, and fog. Inside, visitors claim to see blood stained walls, and smell the scent of decay. Many consider it the most haunted place in Chicago land. - September 2004 update: Reported as still being open today.

The auditorium at the Ellis Middle School is supposedly haunted by a woman in a white lace dress, and can only be seen in the hallways backstage.

Illinois Park School was about 100 years old. People have said that they can hear little children crying or laughing by the k.g. area. Down in the basement people said that they hear noise of someone hammering some type of metal. Teachers seem to stick together when going to their class room. During night time people have said that weird things happen in the building. A few years back the school had a vote to build a new school or to remodel the old building, students and staff voted for a new school. The school no longer stands and place where it once stood is now a parking lot for the new school.

Elkhart cemetery is where Governor Ogelsby is buried. The ghost of his wife visits his tomb. She will be seen sitting outside his tomb for a few minutes when a group of Indian ghosts come up and chase her off across the bridge leading over the road by the cemetery. In  the woods at the back of the cemetery there's a fence that separates them with a step stool and sign next to fence. The sign say's "Grounds keepers don't wander back here neither should ladies and gents". Well it's a path over the fence going up the hill didn't explore to far up but you can hear voices footsteps through the woods and you can see black apparitions like there watching you. Urban Legend is that at the top of the hill the path branches you have to pick which way to go but you have to pick correctly or you don't come back.

In the late 70's early 80"s the
Abandoned Ovaltine Factory building was used as a teenage party was also used by the homeless and for satanic rituals. Several of the homeless people who tried to stay there as well as some of the party goers in later days, have reported that this place is full of strange occurrences and cold spots, drafts, etc. The feeling of being followed and watched is also present. - Update Febuary 2005 - As of 2004 this is now luxury condominiums. So far no one has any complaints of hunting's. No Trespassing, these are private homes.


Single track train track - reports of an apparition of a man with a lantern walking on the Single track train tracks and disappears.

At one time the old
Stone Cottage Pizzeria was also called Spaso Speakeasy, not sure what it is now,...but originally it was a lovely stone manor. Directions to follow the story...It is said that long ago the woman that owned it hung herself in the attic, which has been converted to the office storage space for whatever business inhabits the building. The small basement has been used as a liquor storage room. The building has several dining areas with fireplaces in each one that have been converted to gas. Employees of then Spaso Speakeasy were almost asphyxiated by gas fumes when setting up before opening one day, everybody began to get sick.  It was later discovered that the gas for the fireplaces had been turned on but not lit. For years employees have complained that the pull chain light switch at the top of the basement stairs, gets pulled and the light goes out, forcing you to either try maneuvering the stairs in the dark or leave the lower light on. If you walk up the stairs and turn it on and go back down to finish what you are doing, the light chain gets pulled in, and the light goes out. There are secret panels and rooms behind the walls that very few people are aware of, their purpose is unknown at this time. One in particular is between the front entranceway and the kitchen, along the wall to the left. The bar area is particularly active, and things disappear and reappear, such as a cork screw that disappeared. After exhaustive searching, the manager went out and purchased another one. A few hours later, the missing corkscrew was simply sitting out in plain sight on the bar, in the open. The ghost has been called Mrs. Murphy, although, it is not known if that was/is the true name, and is more like a trickster than a specter. Just an odd note, a Halloween party was held in the year 1989,(then Spaso Speakeasy) a raffle was given for door prizes and the first ticket drawn was *0666.  No one held that ticket and it was not in sequence with the role of tickets being used. Most businesses in this building have failed. It is was near the corner of North Avenue and Route 83.  If you start out at the intersection of North and York, travel toward Route 83. It is on the right side, one business from the corner.  Peppers Waterbed Store used to be the business just past it. It is within visual distance of the Golden Pheasant restaurant which is across 83, and on the left.


!!!WARNING!!! The Old Slave House was once a tourist attraction for history buffs and ghost hunters alike. The house was sold to new owners in 1994 and they do not give tours. They do not want guest and they do not want anyone near the property. They will call the police on trespassers. The story of the Slave house is, the owner built the house to breed slaves and sell them down south. He had many studs, his most famous was named Big Jim. All of the Slaves, including Big Jim were kept chained in little rooms in the attic. Slavery was Illegal in IL, so the owner has a side entrance built on to the house that a wagon could pull up to and a person or persons could be taken into the house and up to attic without being seen. Some of his victims were free blacks that he kidnapped and held captured until they were sold down south when was done breading them. To this day the attic still has the little stalls with the chains on the wall and floor. You can hear the moaning and crying of the slaves. Some reported seeing Big Jim in the attic and other places in the house. There is a lot of activity in the house. The owners would give tours and even let people spend the night in the attic. It is said no one has ever been able to stay till dawn in that attic. A few TV crews, ghost hunters and psychics have tried and failed.

Address: The Old Slave House Museum, Highway 13, Junction, Illinois 62954. Harrisburg is located at the most southernmost tip of Illinois.


First Methodist Church of Evanston Sanctuary is haunted by the ghost of a man in a black business suit. He has a way of not being involved with anyone in the room that all ghosts have. He walks down the side aisle in the sanctuary, coming out from behind one pillar and walking behind the next, but if you look behind the pillar, no one will be there. There are no doors or windows that he could have gone through, and no one in a black business suit was in the room. It is unknown who he is or why he is haunting the church.

The boundaries of
St. Mary's cemetery are, The B & O railroad tracks which cross 87th St. on the east side, Pulaski Rd. on the west, 87th St. on the north, and 91st St. on the south. Unlike Evergreen Cemetery to the east, St. Mary's has a fence going completely around it, with the main gate on 87th St. and a smaller gate on 91st St. located between Homan and Trumbull Avenues. Late night drivers on 91st St. have reported seeing someone leaning against a fence post along the fence bordering the railroad tracks, with his arms folding across his chest. One driver reported that the figure seemed to react to his driving by, by placing his hands on his knees and crouching down, as if to look at him from under the branches of the tree between them, after which the figure disappeared.  St. Mary's has not had more reports is somewhat surprising, as several deaths, all violent, have happened in and around the cemetery over the years. The first death was in 1927 at a restaurant speakeasy located along the tracks, at that time many funerals came to the cemetery by train, where the party would have the funeral, then have the after funeral lunch at the restaurant while waiting for the return train. During Prohibition, this restaurant( known as "Vinegar Hill") was used as a speakeasy after dark  In 1927 one of the Westside O'Bannion Brothers was murdered there, by the Capone Mob. The next death happened in 1933, on the tracks, about 30 yards south of 91st. At this spot occurred the last daylight Train Robbery in the U.S. Two men stopped the train at this point and stole $50,000. from the mail car. One of the robbers was killed during the robbery and never identified, the other robber was never caught, and the money never recovered. Finally, in the 1990's two men where shot once each in the heart, around 2:00a.m. While "visiting" the grave of a rival street gang member, on the anniversary of his death, this murder is unsolved. Trespassing is not only not allowed, but unnecessary, as the only reports of ghostly activity have all been observed from outside the cemeteries, (Evergreen Cemetery, and St. Mary's).

Really cold and eerie feelings are felt when you walk in or drive by the
Fairmount cemetery.  You also feel like your being watched.


There is a haunted hill with a cemetery on top, by
Love Ford Bridge. The river runs under the bridge where the cemetery overlooks it. Some have died due to high waters and parties at the bridge. Reports of seeing a light on top of the hill that can never be reached, & cold spots.


Kiwanis Park is very spooky and eerie at night. The legend goes like this:  One night a bunch of kids went there and this one climbed on the outside of the big rocket ship and he slipped and fell to his death.

Forest City

Mt Zion Cemetery a church burnt down while in session. The bodies of the victims were buried on the site. Late at night you can hear girls giggling and a sharp whistling noise. Also, there is always a brisk breeze in the area. The preachers tombstone is by a tree in the back ground and legend has it that if you knock on this tree, the echo goes down the roots and to the preachers body and he shrieks very quickly.


Many Ghost sightings have been seen and documented in this town. We are the town of U.S. President U.S. Grant; many stories about haunted houses and cemeteries are here. This town is rich on haunted sights.

The old
Knox County Jail was purchased by Knox College in the 70's, and it is located on the college campus. The front half of the building was renovated and is used for offices and classrooms, but the back half (the cell area) remains untouched and hasn't changed since it was built in the late 1800's. When the jail was still active, an inmate supposedly escaped, ran across the college campus, but was caught and placed back in his cell. He later committed suicide inside the cell on the second level, the second one from the stairs. See Galesburg below.


Knox College - Returning from a study group one night, a beautiful coed was bludgeoned with a brick, and left to die on the steps of her dorm. Some say late in the evening, one can smell the essence of perfume in the stairwell, as if the coed keeps a vigil of protection over this dorm.


Girls' School Cemetery with its shallow graves, was once an industrial school for girls, it is now a little subdivision. Although the school is gone, the graveyard  is still around. A graveyard that's about a hundred years old, just the feeling in the air is creepy. Supposedly late at night you can see a young girl (probably from the school) run through the woods behind the little cemetery. Sometimes you will see to glowing eyes in the trees.


The old
Boy Scout Camp was shut down a few years ago and is now a nature preserve. My husband went hunting for deer there last fall and came home scared with the intention of never going back. He said he heard voices, drums, what seemed to be something pounding on wood, and screams. I have spent a lot of time there, day and night. Over the past year I have collected video and pictures of orbs, sounds, and apparitions. The spirit of an old woman has been seen in the parking area along the tree line. She seems to be welcoming you in. The area to the north of the gate has the most activity. The area to the back of the main road is quite active. These have all been seen during the day as well as at night.

La Salette Retreat Seminary was actually a college back years ago.  The Dean Of The College committed suicide. there after retired priests moved into the dorms, and when they passed away they were buried on the property, eventually they were (supposedly) moved.  Sometimes when you walk onto the property you can here footsteps walk beside you. Witnesses have seen the sighting of a ghost man in all black walking towards you .  In the gym you can also here footsteps.  All in all, it's a very wicked place. Georgetown has very old cemeteries back in the country, some dating back to the later half of the 1700`s.

Vermillion county and Ridge farm are located in Illinois where almost every cemetery is haunted.  Most of them are located back in the country where almost no one lives. About 99% of these cemeteries date back to the civil war times, and before that with heavy paranormal activity.


Tyrell Road Cemetery has headstones dating back to the late seventeen hundreds, and has been the site of many strange happenings. This old Irish farmhouse and barn has been the scene of many ghostly sites. From green orbs to a ghostly male figure holding lanterns and swinging them up and down as he walks.


There is said to be a man at the
Monmouth cemetery standing and when you go by he looks at you and he is really mean.

A college group from
Knox College took a field trip to the cemetery next to South Henderson Church. They took cameras and surveillance equipment and found many weird things. They found millions of orbs and deducted that the cemetery is a gateway to the other realm.

Glen Ellyn

Maryknoll Seminary has been knocked down.  It was said that this Maryknoll Seminary is haunted by the ghost of a dead monk who hung himself in the bell tower. The monastery is huge, with hundreds of rooms and no electricity turned on as the place is boarded up and the bell tower sealed off. Reports of fresh blood "bleeding" from the exterior of the bell tower and strange noises are not uncommon, and the place is still used as a secret gathering place for various cults and possibly Satanists, as there are satanic markings and words from ancient languages on some walls. Update: this seminary has been torn down so it can no longer be seen. There are subdivisions and houses going up in that area now.


Lewis and Clark College used to be an all girls school. Many deaths have been reported on the campus. Also many buildings and locations are reportedly haunted. In the college library, someone supposedly hung themselves from the rafters. You can now feel cold drafts and a sense a presence behind you. Deceased teachers are also seen in the hallways of some of the buildings. Especially the main building.


Happy Hollow  had had various sightings and sounds have been reported through the years. Civil War infantry have been seen walking around, ghost cowboys, and other apparitions have been seen. Also, it is reported that if you drive through there after 10 PM, you will see no wildlife in that area until 6 AM.

Granite City

Spanish Cemetery (also known as Irish Cemetery) is an old cemetery down the street from the Wal-Mart (the only Wal-mart in granite city). It was owned by an Irish family.  It is said that if you trespass onto the cemetery, the ghost of the Irish family member will actually scare you so much, that you will have a heart attack. They said it only happens at night though, and to people that are not there to mourn the deaths of the Irish.

Great Lakes

The Recruit training command (AKA boot camp) for the navy is haunted my many spirits. In ship 12 you can hear a woman's scream loudly and fade within seconds. In ship 13, you sometimes will see a figure of a recruit who hung himself. In ship 15, which was once reported as a mental loony bin that caught on fire killing many people. Throughout the night, you will see figures and shadows walking around. Sometimes a ghost will whisper in your ear " Reveille Reville" This has happened to many people as well. One time a coat hanger flew off the wall, over the fan that was on at the time, and hit a friend of mine on the head. I was witness to it.


 One of the apartments at
Gridley Manor have things such as the shower that turn on by its self, lights flicker by themselves, and strange smells. There is a stain on the carpet that will reappear with in a few hours of it being cleaned; believed to be the spot where a former resident died.


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