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Slippery Rock University
Miller Auditorium






Investigation Summary:

At 6:15pm on Saturday, February 28th, 2009, the Baelfire Paranormal Team arrived at the Miller Auditorium on the campus of Slippery Rock University, in Slippery Rock, PA. After briefly meeting Gordon Ovenshine, the Senior Public Relations Writer for the university, John had the team bring in all the equipment and begin setting up for the investigation.

Infrared Video Cameras were set up in the Green Room, Back Stage in the Prop Design Area, on the stage, in the auditorium, and in Emma's Closet, a small storage room with houses clothes that Emma Guffey Miller had donated to the theater at her death in 1970. EVP recorders were set up in the Green room, on Stage, in the stage left lighting cubby, in Emma's Closet, and in a class room on the second floor.

Set up was complete and the Infrared Cameras started to record at 9:47pm. At this time John assigned members to 3 teams. Team 1 was John Lewis, Ruthy Gilmore, and Mike Peters. Team 2 was Traci Kennedy, Meghan Kennedy, and Ray Marsh. Headquarters Team was Mike Robertson, Jeff Pierce, Aurora McCabe, and Kyle Anderson.

At approximately 10:00pm, the investigation of the theater began with Team 1 going to the stage area and Team 2 going to the second floor to the offices and classrooms.



 Gathered Evidence and Analysis

During the six hour investigation, both field teams took digital and 35mm pictures totaling out to be 758 photographs taken. Out of those photos, seventeen of these pictures showed what is believed to be paranormal energies manifesting. Each of these images were analyzed by at least two team members, one of which was the Lead Investigator.

A total of thirty hours of infrared video was recorded, which show three occurances of orbs which Baelfire Paranormal Investigation believes could be Paranormal Energies manifesting.

With the five audio recorders we caught 33 seperate occurances of what we believe to be Electronic Voice Phenomnea. These are further deatiled in the EVP analysis report.





Personal Experiences

While these events hold no scientific weight on our findings, we at Baelfire Paranormal Investigation feel that it is important that we report these occurances and activities to the Client, in this particular case, Slippery Rock University.

During the six hour investigation, almost every one of our team members had a personal experience. They ranged from physical contact to hearing a child laughing. Ine prime example would be when John, Mike P., and Meghan were back stage in the prop design area, John felt something hit the back of his left knee. Mike and Meghan were in front of him and no one was behind him. The three also heard a child running away and laughing after John hit the floor.




Medium Report

Baelfire Paranormal Investigation's Medium, Mike Peters, reports that he felt the presence of 3 entities in the theater, one of a young female child, an older male, as well as an older female. Mike says that the male presence has a lot of remorse and anger in him, and the little girl exhumes fear o fthe older man. During some automatic writing sessions, Mike was able to channel both the little girl as well as the older gentleman.


Due to the pleasant atmosphere of the Theater, as well as the fact of no injuries have been reported, Baelfire Paranormal Investigation does not recommend any removal of said entities. They seem to be pleasant, for the most part. Having the spirits in the Theater could help the University with public relations and publicity.


Having analyzed all gathered evidence,
it is our opinion that Miller Auditorium


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