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Covering and Protecting My Ass

1. First off, the characters that appear within the story and biography pages are MINE. They belong to me, and if you steal them, I will hunt you down and smite you with all the evil I can drum up (and believe me, that's a hell of a lot...just ask my poor creations). Most of the major players have been used by myself in various RPG's for several years now, so they are near and dear to my heart. Enjoy them, but do not take them as your own. The same goes for the story concept and various bits of creative goodness within it.

2. Along with that, the pictures I use within this site are NOT mine. There are a few I made in paint shop pro, but the originals are not mine. Several of them, obviously, are characters from anime shows. The list is an exhaustive one, so if you really want to know who so-in-so's pic is in actuality, direct your questions at me through email and I'll be happy to oblige you. Also, if you happen to own a pic I'm using, feel free to announce your superiority and I will credit you. Thanks in advance.

3. Mine, mine, mine. Just for clarification. I'm an exceedingly paranoid little author, and even if this story blows, I want my name stamped all over the crap pile that it is.

4. Random side note--if you happen to be a Shoujo Kakumei Utena fan (Revolutionary Girl Utena for you silly American kids), you must check out Empty Movement, which is probably one of the best Utena sites out there.