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So I guess you've somehow found a way to hack your way one to my site to learn just a little more about the chick named Alex...I don't even go by that anymore but... here are some basics....

*I'm what some people calll a jugglette

*I listen to punk/hard rock music when it's not Twizted, ICP, Zug Izland,Blaze and so on....

*I answer to three names...HoodRat...Lexi...or Hoodie...

*No I don't find the name HoodRat offensive as long as my friends are the ones calling me it...

*I like to eat seafood and other healthy stuff...

*I love boys...

*People discribe me by saying that i'm a person that is like no the same sentance I can give you the most sweetest complement you have ever gotten and also make you want to die my sayin' a very mean let down...

*so far 2 ex-boyfriends of mine have killed themselfs and blamed it on me, 3 others have moved out of state because of me, 2 others are still stalking me and wanting to go out with me still and, the last one only dates preeps now...

*I am single if anyone wants to know....

*My favorite quote is.."Tonight I am alone. And I am alone on perpose. Not because my fatherleft me, or because my mother gave up on me, or because my phyco boyfriend died on me. I am alone because I need to be alone.

Or maybe i just need to be.

Yeppers that's all I can think of right now to explain my drama filled life so check back latter and I will probably have some diary entries on here or maybe even a few pics.

Much love and distruction~

The HoodRat

(Lexi ya dumb ass!)

My favorite bands

These are the sites i'm on most of the time

teen open diary
Offical Zug Izland fan site
Offical ICP site
lyrics search engine
