This is My Web Site Thinger Kay...
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Shit About Meh...

uhh okay... if you're here.. chances are that you know me pretty well.. and have already heard everything I'm about to say... but just incase you're some weird little fucker who's trying to read everything about me so you can then stalk me... here's some shit about me... My names Rach [el] I'm 19 years old.. I'm currently stuck living with my dad in a sucky litte prep/white trash California town known as Ridgecrest... with a total population of 14 people.. including me and my five sisters.. not really.. it's still a small town though.. eh.. about 36,000 people.. I really don't have five sisters either.. I have two.. Becca and Ruby... I'm a piercer... I don't have my license yet.. but I'm a piercer... I'm really into tattoos, piercings and scarification... I have a small tattoo on my left breast.. and some scarification on my other.. I'll post some pictures somewhere on this site... I used to have piercings... but.. I had to take them out... one of the other reasons why I hate California so fucking much.. ugh...

As If The Above Weren't Enough... Here's Some More Shit About Me...

The only music I really listen to is Metal... nothing else.. no punk bullshit.. no emo.. no rap.. *shudders*... My favourite band as you all may already know.. is Cradle of Filth.. I'm currently involved in a very loving relationship with Dani Filth... I'm madly inlove with him.. as he is with me.. oh and the sex.. jesus fucking christ.. It's fucking amazing.. I have nothing to compare it to.. HA.. okay.. now back to reality... I'm actually with no one at the moment.. woo! aren't I cool?... but you see.. here's the thing... the guys I date online.. fall in love with me way too fast... then after exactly a week.. they start knowing me better... and seeing the way I really am.. [A FUCKING BITCH] and.. we break up... heh.. and they guys I date from here.. SEE the real me.. and like what they see a little too much.. causing me to break up with their fucking little asses after exactly a week because all they wanna do.. is fuck me.. heh... And that my friends... is the true reason why I have a new boyfriend every two weeks ;) not because I'm a slut.. like most of you think...