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Basher's Blog
Tuesday, 6 April 2004
It has been awhile but I have been busy. What has hapened in the last few months? A LOT. Everything is fixed in my home. I am now currentily working on getting carpet in my livingroom and tile in my kitchen. It is going to look so awesome when it is done.

I am seeing someone. He is nice. Plus he puts up with me which is a very good sign. :D

I have been working on somethings like writings. Oh yeah, I am going to college in the fall. I cannot wait until I go. I don't know all the information yet, I need to get a bachelors degree in something before I can go into pre-law. It is going to be so awesome. Finally something I always wanted to do.

I will be on more soon and I will work on my website soon. I say soon ans it takes months. BUT I am getting a good computer for cheap. I couldn't believe this lady is selling it only for $100. It is only two years old and bakc then it was the best you can buy. DVD drive and etc. I will get an upgrade just because I can.

Later Days,
Hopefully not to late,

Posted by scary/basher1 at 12:45 AM EDT
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Monday, 9 February 2004
2004 still not so hott
Man, I had a funny week.

Friday some idiot at my work yelled at me three times. I spoke to my boss about he said to tell him to take a flyin' leap of a you-know-what. Freakin' waiters.

My pipes are still frozen but tomorrow I will have someone come out and take a look. It is warm out I should have water. If they turned off my water and that is the only problem I am going to kick some major arse. I am barely nice can't you tell?

Now the stuff you all care about. I have not gotten up my story yet because I am lazy. I want to get it copy righted first. Someone might steal it. *rollseyes*

I would like to announce I am starting another book this one will be different. Once I am done the ending will be a BIG surprise. I just need to start it out. I am over and out.

Later days,

Posted by scary/basher1 at 2:05 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 9 February 2004 2:07 AM EST
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Thursday, 5 February 2004
More problems for 2004
Can my life get any worse?

Well it did. About a week ago my car stopped running because it go to -45 F that isn't including windshield factor. I got off work and went home. I had no WATER. My pipes are frozen.

It has been over a week and they are still frozen. My car works though.

Time to get to the good stuff.

My website is coming along fine. I will be adding in the Intoduction to my book I am working on. Along with the Prologue. I am working on Chapter One so far of the book.

I have one more poem to add. I think I have writers block. I am hoping to get other material up. We shall have to see.

I will keep you all posted.

Over and out,

Posted by scary/basher1 at 1:55 AM EST
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Monday, 19 January 2004
2004 not looking to good
This year so far has SUCKED. My dad was in the hospital. He is getting better. He stayed for only a week.

My heater broke yesterday. But it is fixed today. I may now have frozen pipes. :(

At the begging of the week my car heater decided not to work. Luckily it was just a wiring that got knocked out of place. It would have costed $200 plus to fix.

Well until next time.


Posted by scary/basher1 at 2:52 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 19 January 2004 3:10 PM EST
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