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ShanS Weblog
Save the Horses, Ride the Lightning...
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*The Power of Christ Compells You*

Tuesday, 25 January 2005

something *new*
Mood:  mischievious
First and formost, HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUSHONDO! hee.. well, i just wanted to say that to him! i was going to tell him in person during lunch but i chickened! sorry! hehe! Well, i haven't even written in this crap in a long time....its been fun! haha! Theres a lot of things that happened over the break and everything!
We got into a fight! I was crazy! And theres a bigger story behind that but they are looking for me....i don't give a shit.....dont' care....fuck it! ohh well! I think thats all! Nicco got suspended too! for doing nothing! I was going to do something but i have to be patient! Well, all i have to say is that they should just fight the real enemy! haha! like that makes any sense! yea! well, till next time!

Posted by scary/bashas_panties at 2:36 PM MST
Updated: Tuesday, 25 January 2005 2:36 PM MST
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Wednesday, 10 November 2004

Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: "Symphony Of Destruction"-MEGADETH
Topic: ShanS Weblog
Well, I am here at skool, I really should be working but I kinda don't want too...yea! Well, today thers really not anything interesting, umm...ohh yesterday I talked to NEVIK and we just got mad cause I finally reminded him that we weren't together and he just got mad, so yea! Well, theres someone else...that I think I like. Maybe... but I don't know! I am thinking of staying at Niccos house cause we have no school tommorrow and I will be bored at home.

I was going to go to go to my grams house but now that my family from Vegas isn't going back than theres really no point. I hope they found our car...maybe they were just lying to know? Just to tell me so I won't really get my hopes up...yea! Well, I sure hope so! Cause I really miss POD and the others!

Finally talking to my mother, everytime I talk to her it basically makes my whole day. Man I really missed her, all for the longest time we weren't talking to one another. I miss them.

Well, tommorrows Veterans day and I wish I could go see my gramps, cause hes a veteran and yea! Hopefully when I grow ballz I'm going to the military. That would be so kick ass! Well, I think that is all I have to say for now. I'll next time!



Posted by scary/bashas_panties at 2:18 PM MST
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Monday, 8 November 2004

Singin' In the Rain
Mood:  mischievious
Humm...Well, Hello! Its me again...bashas panties! Well, my weekend went well. On Saturday we went with Kevono to Gallup...we got a lot of stuff..probably over 400 dollars!I had also watched a movie...I saw SAW...i probably would rate it a ******* 7 stars because the graphics and the plot was excellent...but the actors were cheap! And yea! That is all we did. Then on Sunday we just stayed at his house and waited for his dad to come back from work. But then his dad kinda got drunk and he didn't come back last night. Well, umm theres nothing else to say! OHH wait! Umm I talked to Sheri...well, i don't think i can stay mad at her for a long time. Kimmy too! Well, I think thats all I have to say cause theres nothing else to say!

P.S I like someone....wonder who!

Why is Herman mad at me??

bashas panties

Posted by scary/bashas_panties at 2:18 PM MST
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Friday, 5 November 2004

Mood:  don't ask
Topic: ShanS Weblog
Well, hello again! There hasn't really been anything that happened lately...since yesterday! hehe! Well, I talked to pod...she was helping me with my homework! Man...i think i slept good last night...i went to sleep all early! But why am i still tired? Umm...I don't know!

Crap....Kerry LOST! ugh! Man! I hate stupid Bush! I say he cheated...whos with me?? all talking to myself! Hes so gay! UGH! Today, I feel sad and mad at the same time! Well, i hope today goes better for me! Hermans not talking to me either....I don't know why about that either. Well, sad to say but i miss Herman! I just want him to talk to me nothing more, but he wants something else....well, at least Rick Renzi WON! Whoo hoo! Well, although he was for Bush he did a good job before, and why not re-elect him. As for the school board...I think that lady Mrs. Stuart got off...Eva's mom? But stupid Rose Martinez is still kicking and still on the schoolboard.

What else is intresting in my life? OHH yea I FINALLY started talking to my mommy. Well, not totally now...but still slowly i missed her for the longest time ever...and i was being a little gurl and crying about actually got up to that point. But she never talks me seriously when i tell her that i miss her cause usually i don't say gay things to her like that...but i think i should start. Many times none of my family members take me seriously...they just think I'm a trouble maker. If you really get to know me...i'm not that bad. POD KNOWS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! But, just don't get me mad on the wrong time of week...(ladies you know what i'm talking about)!

Kim wasn't at skool yesterday...wonder why? Well, whats in for me this weekend! Well, if we get that check for $300 dollars than i'm probably gonna tell kevin to take me to Flag...speaking of Flag, I haven't even talked to sheri for like almost a week now! Well, I don't think shes knows that i'm mad at her! Want to know why i'm mad at her? Its cause she lied to me...and told kevin not to tell me that she was with Traci...she should just tell me its not like i'm going to say something....for example: Diedra tells me that shes at Tracis house and i don't throw a fit. All i am mad about is Sheri should of just been honest...without keeping something away from me knowing...geez shes my best fren and you don't keep secrets! Well, I have made a lot of best frens now....lets see Kimmy, Diedra, Alex, Nicco, Arlene, and Shelly Balls! I think thats all i have to say for now....i'll probably have something to say sometime today!

Posted by scary/bashas_panties at 9:34 AM MST
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Thursday, 4 November 2004

Mood:  incredulous
Topic: ShanS Weblog
Hello my dear friends,

Well, this is all new to me....the whole website is under construction! Everything! Well, theres really not much to say...i am in the library here at skools till...just finished a Jr. Class Mtg. has been very boring!....Just want to go home! Lets see what else??? Well, i have rash?? hehe! Ohh yeah i FINALLY have a bra on....hehe....i was hanging most of the week! How sick! You know what i wish??....I wish that my life was like DeGRaSSI! That would be kool! Well, my skool is really many followers! Thats not my time to judge but its true....and a lot of people who say a lot of things about you but don't say them to your face...thats what i hate about navajos! All they know what to do is talk about people other than themselves! I could go on and on about this stupid school and the people in it! I know I am very judgemental on a lot of things and this school has to be one of them....thats all i have to say for now!



Shanny Shanny Bashas Panties

Posted by scary/bashas_panties at 5:23 PM MST
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