
Sarah (Bass)

Sarah was just starting 7th grade when she discovered her love for rock music. Almost any type would work for her. However, the breakthrough that made her decide to persue her dream of becoming a rock star was going to the Vans Warped Tour. Along with many other short little things along the way, the tour helped her to realize that she could learn the bass and be in a band. Although at first her mother was not so supportive, she continued to chase after her dream with Kristy, the lead guitarist, and Teresa, the drummer and her sister. Her father was a big help to her. His love for rock music also inspired her, along with his support and willingness to help her buy a guitar and learn to play it. In August of 2003 she will be attending Crystal Lake South High School with her other friends. She is oldest of the group, but even so, can sometimes still not be the most maturist of them. Being a natural joker she usually ends up trying to cheer up the girls with some quick witted jokes. Now that she is going into freshman year of high school, she is dedicated to get a job to help support the band, as well as herself. Although her dream is still so far, she keeps on going after it, for the journey is more value to her then reaching any dream ever will be.

Kristy (Vocals and Lead Guitar)
12 year old Kristy is into lots of music that rock her world.Kristy had a hard life growing up. Kristy's parents were never behind her in the idea of becoming a rockstar.Ozzy,Smiple Plan,Good Charlotte, Twisting Roses and more and been mayjor influences on Kristy's life and her style of play.In Kristy's spare time she is a cheerleader for the Crystal Lake Raiders.Kristy is into lots of sports besides music but while doing those sports she has music playing in the backround.Kristy has an older brother named Steve how also has the same dream of becoming a rockstar.Kristy attends Lundahl Juior High.Kristy was born in 1991.Kristy also wants to drive a "67 Mustange in a couple of years.

Teresa (Drums)

Teresa started to like rock music soon after her older sister, Sarah, the bass guitarist, got into the new music. As Teresa said, "She inspired me." Some of the first rock bands she ever listened to were Sum 41, Linkin Park, Blink 182, and the various artists of the hit CD Atticus. In the middle of 5th grade Teresa had made a decision that she wanted to play drums. However, her decision soon faded away after figuring she would never be able to learn how to play. Then after hearing about Kristy being in Twisting Roses she rekindled her dream of playing drums. Since then she has been playing drums for about a year. She has even taken the liberty after the band's first CD to name her drum sticks "Baby Sticks". Her reason for naming them that is simple, "My drum sticks are like a baby to me. I treat them well and take good care of them." Currently a student at Lundahl Middle School, she is still fighting her way to get out and move on to South along with Kristy. Being a very thoughtful person, full of ideas and thoughts, she will always remember, along with the rest of the band, the time that she said, "Before we were a band, we were friends."

How We Got Started
