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Heather's Randomness

My three favorite things

My Favorite Web Sites

The online pool league I'm in
My sister's page

101 things you should know about me! 1. my real name is Heather 2. i tend to run away from my problems. 3. my favorite color is blue (REALLY!) 4. im quite stubborn and rarely compromise. 5. ill fight for what i belive is worth fighting for. 6. i spell words wrong a lot..and dont really care. get me in a formal letter writing situation & that will change. 7. i know exactly what i want out of life. i just dont know how im going to get it. 8. i only use plastic hangars. 9. i have 7 sisters or brothers. 10. i belive in magic. 11. ive never been in a physical fight. 12. but i know i could whoop some ass if needed. 13. despite my temper id never really hit a person out of anger tho. 14. i tend to contradict myself alot, but im no hypocrite. 15. i can prolly cook thanksgiving dinner better than your mom. i have references. 16. in 2002 ive learned 2 things: jealousy & patience. quite ironic. both are pains in the ass. 17. i really get pissed off about poorly translated anime 18. i want to tell you everything about me, but i dont want to let you in too close. 19. i hate feeling venerable. 20. i have a ridiculous sex drive. really. 21. tori amos can do no wrong in my book. 22. i miss my piercings badly. 23. i dislike one of my tattoos & desire a cover up badly. 24. sometimes following a hunch makes me too curious for my own good. 25. i demand to know how to breakdance 26. i dont have a good linoleum floor to practice on. 27. ive got back into praying lately. to what/whom..i dont know. 28. my father is very lonely & quite stubborn in his ways. 29. i fear for his life on a daily basis. 30. this is one thing i cry about. 31. i cry quite often. 32. im trying to stop that. 33. im such a crazed fan sometimes when it comes to bands/actors/actresses 34. i dont really know why, but i try to downplay it as much as i can. 35. ive been to mare concerts than any of you, i bet. 36. i wish i had the ticket stubs to prove it 37. i am horribly un organized yet try to pretend im a detail oriented perfectionist. 38. ive honestly only been in love once. at least im pretty sure thats what it was. 39. altho theres many people out there i love, of course.the depth of it varies. 40. the thought of getting married & having kids scares the living shit out f me. 41. i dont have too many solid role models in that area. id do better reading a manual. 42. i get very discouraged if i cant master something right away. 43. im used to success, but failure seems eminent. 44. i need to work on that attitude. 45. i sleep with a teddy bear 46. its not even mine, but hes good stuff. 47. orange tucks me in each night. its something none of you will ever see. 48. i sometimes feel ungrateful when its possible ive overdone it. 49. a lotta times i dont know when to shut up or stop writing. 50. thats always something thats got me in a stupid situation. 51. i feel everything in the pit of my stomach. good things & bad. they even do that in my dreams. 52. i dont know why i dig message boards so much, but i do. its like my crack. 53. sometimes i think that whole "theres a lesson in every experience" thing is complete crap. shit happens. 54. at the same time, i know ive got so much to learn, i just wish those lessons would come in happier ways. liek a letter or something. 55. i am the adoptive mother of at least 4 kids. 56. i said i would wait decades for him, and i will, and i know itll be worth it. 57. but yeah, ive already made close friends with extreme disappointment. 58. i wish life was like a musical & people would just burst into song with background music at any moment. 59. i lag. i procrastinate. 60. i take on tasks with great energy & then fizzle out halfway thru as i get distracted by something shiny & new. 61. i love cheese. 62. i love sushi. 63. i love the sound of silent desert air on the night of a full moon. 64. if i havnt shared that with you, i want to. moon is optional. 65. i believe in wishing on a star. 66. if you have glasses, you better wear em.coz gets me all hot n stuff ;) 67. i believe in fairy tale type true love stuff. 68. id rather people say mean things to my face than talk behind my back or say nothing at all. 69. heh heh heh..sixty nine. 70. ive never been hit by a guy...on purpose, at least. 71. i used to be in girl scouts & was even a leader. 72. i liek to collect stones & rocks. 73. i write what i think to be beautiful things for people, but i dont belive anything beautiful has been written about me. (submissions are always accepted) 74. i want to skydive. pulling the chute would be something id have to contemplate. 75. im not really afraid of big dogs, snakes or bugs. im just afraid of getting bit. 76. i think i can crack about 75% of the bones & joins in my body. thats prolly not too healthy. 77. i need to focus more on making myself the person i dream of becoming. 78. i feel the need to protect people & i want them to be treated right. this preoccupies me far more than it should. 79. i need to learn to take my own advice. 80. if i could have an extra appendage, i would want a prehensile tail. 81. to me, kissing, snuggling in bed or sleeping with someone (not fucking, just sleeping) is more intimate than having sex with a person. 82. i used to dream that my perfect guy would be someone that would sing to me. now i think a personalized mix cd has replaced that. 83. i think i can sing quite well. none of you will ever hear me sing that well tho. im really timid about my voice & dont project it when i should. 84. im sorta the same way about mixing records. im not as good mixing as i can sing tho..i think. 85. im not a vindictive person. even if youve fucked up my world, i pity you instead of wish vengeance. 86. fighting on the internet is lame. 87. arguing on AIM is worse. but sometimes its all you got. non confrontationalism at its best. i think i just made up a word. 88. i like it rough. most guys cant keep up. those that can, know. 89. i am fucking SICK and TIRED of reformatting my computer. WHY ME!!!! 90. i want my booty back. 91. chicken mc nuggets will help me do just that. i hope. 92. i graduated from Chippewa Valley High School (1999) 93. ive never been arrested, but have done some pretty bad shit to come practically close. 94. ive had a loaded gun in my face 3 times. 95. i once got so bored driving by myself to new orleans, i started masturbating. 96. i masturbate quite alot. 97. im very jealous of the girls who have enough balls to get nekked in front of a camera. im NOT talking hermaphrodites, here. 98. i trip on things and bang my head on stuff all the time. 99. i love my garden & wish i chose flowers that bloomed annually. 100. i should get rid of about 50-75% of the things i own, but im a horrible packrat. 101. how'd you like them apples?