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Ascend And Improve

i can't believe you clicked this up. it's quite lame here at the moment. the blog is much better, i'm used to those.

the reason this is under scary is because it's all true. look at the blog thingy. i hate that word.

... is the link. it's just some of the things i feel are wrong with the world. simple observations really, and yet i rarely hear anyone talking about them. *sigh*

erm. yeah ignore any typos, i can never be bothered to proof read. AND get over the fact that i don't capitalise at the beginning of sentences.

if you disagree with anything i say then can you point it out to me with justification pleashe, because who knows i might be wrong :^) this is merely the world as i see it, which could be wrong i suppose.

erm... i think that's everything.

there are some lists on here. i'll add to them in time when my computer isn't running out of RAM. stupid thing. the blog details everything i swear, if you have a brain, it means you should hopefully be interested, and so click it up unless you have something better to do.

sorry if it feels depressing, that's just your mind opening up to the misery out there. enjoy =/

Reasons for change

Useful Sites

Very cynical, very true in some cases.
Hilarious, and also cynical and very true in some cases.