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< Hey everybody who's bored and stupid enough to come to the most stupidest mad pointless place in the existence of mankind. its Lindsey's marvoulsly done poor attempt to come up with a website well its been a while since ive updated NAOMI HELLO!!! HERES A SONG JUST BECAUSE I LOVE YOU! BABY DONT WORRY ABOUT A THING CUZ EVERY LITTLE THING! ITS GONA BE ALRIGHT!!! Joe your not gona kill fluffy! lauren hiya luvvi! nehow completly random sign the guest book if you can! cheers luvvi's!
your random friend Lindsey -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-

sign my guestbook!!!! and make your mark!!!

well a little about me im lindsey -hello! people say im crazy, insane, weird, mad etc etc but thats just me im like that! just dont give me lilt or nefin thats got sugary goodness in it - dont ask just never give lindsey sugar!- Crash noes the consequences teehee :) at the mo im doing further education (booo!) at college but most of the lessons are overruled by the commonness of the common shed hmmm probably why i got a verbal woopsi better start going. Lived in morecambe all my life same street just different house. went to lancaster road for reception then westgate primary then morecambe high then college which is how i met most of you crazy bunch of people things ? favourite films - matrix(*drool* men in leather mmmm), shrek, Bridget jones diary (love that film), American Beauty. Favourite band(S);- incubus, Creed, Metallica, RHCP, Feeder, Foo fighters, jimmy eat world,korn,greenday! n too many others! favourite posetion has gota be my guitar!which i like to attempt to play. n my Cds n cd player! favourite place to go has gota be the dark place! ill never get bored of that place! well carnt think of nething else thats intersting for you to no about me so i better go theres big scary people at the door byebye!