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News Update - - Check Here For Regular Gig Updates

: Navigation :

- Home
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- Advertise
- Pictures

: Bands :

- Igneous Rok
- S.K.A.
- U.K. Rifles

Want to gig with us or help out?  Send an email to us including your name, what you want to do and a contact phone number.

: Gig Info :

- Reviews
- Pictures
- Our Stories
- Tales On The Road
- New Posters
- Old Posters


What Is Arizondidop Productions? :

*** Have you been to Arizondidop?  We have! ***

We started off as separate bands; U.K. Rifles and Igneous Rok.  After looking for gigs, I decided to take things into my own hands.  We then pulled together to organise our own independent gigs.  Its kind of a DIY job at the moment seeing as we only just started and with no organising experience but we're learning. 

Check back here for regular gig updates.  See you in the pit.

Latest Gigs:

Date Venue Time Bands
n/a n/a n/a n/a

Price :

£2.00 = Per Person

Web Site Extras :

As well as finding out all the latest gig information for those on Arizondidop Productions you can get these as well:

- Band links
- Pictures
- Band Information and Updates

Arizondidop Productions consists of:
Gavin - U.K. Rifles (Drums) - Organiser

Copyright 2002 (Arizondidop Productions). Site Designed by All Rights Reserved.

: Sign Up :

To sign up to us and get the news, gig updates and info sent to your email account send I WANT To GO TO ARIZONDIDOP to us with your email address.

: Help :

We need places to gig so if you know of any places or you are offering a venue please email us.