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Welcom  t MHomepage!!

     Welcome to my Site! I am constantly at work on this page, even though things seem to be slow as far as updates are concerned. But, please, bear with me!

     Great new changes are on the way! I have been getting lots of ideas but have been busy or lazy, or a combination of the two, and I have not gotten things set up with everything like I have wanted to. I am currently sorting all, and will soon be posting many many things. This will take a little bit, but this should greatly enhance your browsing experience. (Hopefully. :)) Thank you for being patient with me so far. Keep checking back often and look forward to updates.

     Right now, I am working on updating the bio page, as it needs updating BADLY! You should see an updated version coming shortly.

     Once again, a big thank you to all who have visited my page. Also, thanks for all the email that I got in response to this page. Feel free to drop me a line! If you have anything to contribute feel free to email me (

