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Bibs Page

"Anger Management" . The University of Melbourne. 21 Feb. 2000. The University of Melbourne. 12 Apr. 2005.

"Controlling Anger-Before It Controls You." . 2005 American Psychological Association. 12 Apr. 2005.

DeFoore, William G., Ph.D. "Anger Management" . Institute for Personal and Professional Development. Halcyon Life Enterprises, LLP. 12 Apr. 2005.

Lucia, Lynn S. "The Power of Forgiveness." Scholastic Choices. Jan. 2005: 18-20. Academic Search Elite. COD, Glen Ellyn. 12 Apr. 2005 .

"Releasing Stored Anger..." Self Awareness Institute. 12 Apr. 2005.

Lucia, Lynn S. "The Power of Forgiveness." Scholastic Choices. Jan. 2005: 18-20. Academic Search Elite. COD, Glen Ellyn. 12 Apr. 2005 . "Releasing Stored Anger". . Self Awareness Institute. 12 Apr. 2005.