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Welcome to Allypooh's Wonderful Website!

Please Bear With Me! My Site Still Has a Long Way To Go! Thanks a lot!, Allypooh

Color Quiz


Keirsey Temperament Quiz

Maddox Quiz

Music Links to Cheer Up to! (They Cheer Me Up, Anyway...)




Joan Jett

White Stripes

Who are you? Who do you want to be? I often ask myself these questions, and have looked for personality tests and quizzes on the web! Here is a website to help those in search of themselves.

Click on a link to the right to choose a link

"If I had a rose for everytime I thought of you, I'd picking roses for a lifetime."

Swedish quote

Click on the rose to take a romance quiz Roses are Beautiful

Please click the sleeping cat for advice on how to sleep better

 Click Here To Take A Phobia Quiz

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Think You Need A Vacation? Click Here:

Think you are depressed? There are some good links to check and find out. Click Here for information:

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