WARNING: I eat annoying children

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Hello, this is the homepage to ::Akuin's Slaughter House::. Akujin created this website for a number of reasons, one, to have a place to put stuff that won't clog up his homepage on HL, two, because he felt like it, and three, for all you noobs to see what really goes in the everyday life of a sluaghter house....It's not really that interesting...but whatever, the point is, you can look around at the pages I have up so far, most of it is Noob mail and my insults to them. Yay for me.

If your a slaughter house and your here just browsing because I randomly sent you a SB request do not fear...I usually do random things, and sending SB requests to every Slaughter House I can find is one of them, but congratulations, you are one of the few people that I acutally like on Horseland. You deserve an applause, and a click of the accept button *hint hint*
It's ok if you don't accept my SB request, I won't take offense to it, but feel free to look around anyways....not like I can stop you, but whatever.

For all you stupid people, click on the X's to visit different links. Yes, I didn't label them because I am a mean asshole like that. Have fun.

[xXx] [xXx] [xXx] [xXx]

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