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ScarY AdvicE

Advice Subjects

Family question of the daY
Friend question of the daY
Boy/Girl trubles question of the daY
Random question of the daY
Random stuff you need to seE

AdvicE is IN YouR FuTuRe! AlL ThaT YoU HavE TO DO IS EmaiL ME! Every day I put a new question under each category. I will also personally reply to each email that I recieve. And if your lucky you could see it in one of the pages above. Just always remember to put what category your advice needs to go into!!! Otherwise, you'll be killed. Very painfully I might add. And don't think that I'm kidding. I'm not. :) Love Always ~Scary Advice Girl~ p.s. Don't be unimpressed by that counter thing underneath because my beautiful site is brand new! Oh and yes today is Zebra/Cow day so Yay for that...
