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Truth in Action throughout Exodus

How the life of the Holy Spirit enlivens works of faith in the believer!

TRUTH that Exodus teaches ACTION that Exodus invites
1. Four keys to understanding GOD
A successful Christian life begins with the knowledge of GOD. In Exodus, GOD reveals part of his nature and character. Truly knowing GOD should affect our conduct. Exodus offers four keys to make our lives more fruitful.
Understand that GOD is! His name is "I AM HE WHO IS". Trust in this foundation. Lean on and rest in Him.

Receive GOD as "the LORD who heals you". Healing is an attribute of GOD; his will is to restore us.

Give yourself over to GOD because "the LORD is your banner". When you yield to Him, you will triumph in the battle against the flesh.

Follow GOD, who is the "LORD who sanctifies you". His life in us makes our holiness possible.

2. Steps toward holiness
GOD calls us to holiness, to "be set apart for Him and his purposes". GOD wants his people to distinguish themselves from the rest of the world by their purity and convictions; that they be different by the way that they think, act and live. This difference should be visible and should give GOD glory.
Understand that GOD treats us differently than he does the rest of the world. (see 8:23; 9:25; 10:23; 11:7).

Trust in the blood of Christ to protect you from all evil. (See I Pet. 1:18,19).

Obey the Word of GOD and become someone special for Him.

Become Jesus' servant. He will open your ears to hear his voice clearly and to comprehend his message.

Be zealous of GOD's holiness. He honors those who honor Him.

3. Directions for living a pious life
Living piously is living for GOD, who offers us a guide to help us live according to his precepts. GOD calls us to act in keeping with the faith that serves as a foundation for piety. Without faith, our acts become vain religion. Piety embraces practical consecration and avoids formal religiosity.
Stay alert when looking for the way GOD works. At times, he presents himself in an unexpected way.

12:15,19,20; 19:20
Participate regularly in the LORD's Supper. In it we remember his resurrection and life.

Stay calm while GOD works. He will deliver you.

Be careful when applying GOD's Word. The LORD wants us to follow his instructions.

23:16; 34:22
Celebrate the blessings you receive from GOD.

25:8; 33:15
Rest in and seek GOD's presence. This distinguishes us from all the rest.

31:12-17; 33:14
Rest on the LORD's day. Our repose makes us rest from our troubles (Heb. 4:10,11).

4. Keys for a life of wisdom
GOD calls his people to wisdom, which is the knowledge of how to apply the truth. The book of Exodus offers principles that teach us how to live wisely, and thus please GOD. It also teaches us some wise practices. The Holy Spirit prepares us to exercise wisdom as a discipline that leads to a full life.
19:8; 24:3,7
Don't trust in yourself to obey GOD's Word. Depend on the Holy Spirit.

Meditate regularly on the Ten Commandments to learn GOD's nature and character.

Learn to reverence the LORD, who will keep you from sin.

Suspect the majority opinion that proposes some deviation. Evil can be popular, but contrary to GOD's will.

Dedicate all the time you can to worship along with GOD's people. It evidences your faith that He will provide.

5. Keys to understanding authority
GOD governs his people, delegating authority. All legitimate authority comes from GOD (see Rom. 13). Distrusting those to whom GOD has handed the leadership is distrusting the LORD. GOD calls us to be receptive to legitimate leaders and warns us to speak of them with reserve.
16:8; 22:28
Don't make the spiritual leadership an object of complaint. When you complain about them, you're rebelling against GOD.

Avoid and reject the occult. Seeking spiritual direction from evil leads to death.

Listen to those that GOD has sent to speak to and guide us. Don't rebel against them. Rejecting those sent by GOD is rejecting Him.

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